Friday 28 February 2014

EJ books facts

Hello again!
Today's post will be EJ related unlike my last few posts. By the way the turtle competition is still going so pleeeeaaaasssseee enter.

1. Christmas countdown location
In the actual book it didn't actually say where Christmas countdown happened. I mean it was in an amusement park but it didn't tell us what city. Well on the EJ website it says that it was set in Melbourne, where Susannah lives. So if EJ did her mission where she went the day before... That means she lives in Melbourne! I'm sure most of us would have guessed that but now it's proof. Go EJ!

2.  Hmm
I was just looking around the EJ books on the EJ website and just realised, she's been on missions in Australia heaps:
Rocky road
Choc shock
Making waves
Drama queen
Christmas countdown
Big brother
Time to shine

Wow, and we say we need more missions in Australia. Rocky road was Melbourne, Choc shock in Melbourne, making waves in Great Barrier Reef in QLD (yay), drama queen was on a set in Australia, Christmas countdown was in Melbounre, big brother was in Australia and time to shine was at port Philip bay in Victoria.

I'd like her to go to India (people have been asking for India for years), China and maybe some places in America again. Chile, Argentina, Florida, maybe even go to Hollywood.

Well I have to go but I will check the comments heaps. By teg way if you have any questions I'd be happy to ask the team for you if you want.
CL14 out!


  1. Hi guys,
    I just realised because I'm not familiar with Melbourne, that Port Philip bay is right in Melbourne, lol. So that's another Melbourne one.

  2. Yay! Lol ej12 lives in Melbourne! I live in Melbourne! Great evidence CL!!! I really want to know what the next ej12 books is set in. I have read spooked! I was scared, I wonder if there is claramond house in England and I was scared of lady Darcy kerrin!!! EEEK! I'm spooked.

  3. Sadly there's no claramound house, but there is a claramound something. It's almost calaramound but yeah.
