Wednesday 26 February 2014

Some things

Hi guys!
So today iv been searching up sea animals, research for one of my books, and found out lots of cool things. Mainly about Whales because right now that's my favourite sea creature. Here's some facts:
P.s this will relate to EJ12 at the end.

1. Whales
I'm not sure if I said this in my last whale post but in America they have them at Seaworld. There's one uo here in QLD too but they dint have whales. The one in America trains them to do tricks just like dolphins! Iv seen some pictures of trainers standing on the top of a whales, um, nose/mouth I guess. It looks soooo cool. Search up whale riding or soenthing like that. I mainly like Killer whales. They're actually kind in the wild apparently and are quite small. Males get to around 10 metres and females to 8 or something like that. So they're not huge!

2. Starfish
Incase you didn't know this, if a starfishes arm is cut off it can still live. The arm as long as it has part of the centre, can grow into a whole new starfish! How cool is that? Also you can actually have pet starfish but they won't exactly be active, let alone play with you. I think I'll stick to seeing them at Seaworld.

3. Turtles
I loooove turtles! I actually will see a turtle every week! I'm going to let you guess and answer it tomorrow. Hint:I don't have a pet turtle but I see own every week, and it's not at the pet store or aquarium. Turtles are so cute! They can be super small as babies, the size of your palm or smaller and grow huge! Love them!

4. Dolphins
Ok I'm sure you all know how kind dolphins are. Iv never actually seen a dolphin as far as I can remember, sadly. On the holidays I went to the beach (Kings beach on the Sunshine Coast in QLD) and kept seeing a fin! I saw it four times over about twenty minutes. It was grey and I can't remember if it was curved or pointy. If it's pointy at the end it's a shark but dolphins have a curve. Now that I think about it I think it was a curve. It never jumped up or anything sadly.

I'll continue with this tomorrow since this post is getting super long. What's your favourite sea animal? Have you ever seen a whale, dolphin or shark! Remember to guess where I see a turtle every week! Winner will be announced as soon as a few people guess. I just realised this isn't very EJ related. I'll try and find something EJish for tomorrow's post!

CL14 out!

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