Wednesday 26 February 2014

Next animal saved

Hello everyone!
For some reason today iv been thinking a lot about sea animals. It could be because I'm writing a book about people in the sea but maybe not. But then I started thinking of the animals EJ rescues.

What do you guys think she should rescue/use on mission, next? When I say 'use on mission' I mean like squirt who helped EJ. I'm hoping for guinea pigs or maybe another puppy but then I thought of an animal. Here's some clues:
It's huge
It mainly doesn't come in purple or crazy colours
It's actually illegal to go 30metres in range of this animal.

Well incase you haven't guessed I'm talking about the whale. Ok, iv never actually seen a whale. Well once in Caloundra I saw a fin to big for a dolphin but to small for a whale come of of the water. I was thinking baby whale since it was in a shallow enough zone.

Iv searched up whales today and it's actually illegal to go within 30metres of it! I read also about a boy about 15 who saw a whale not far from where he was in Perth and swam out to it. He then actually touched it. Apparently it didn't notice him until he CLIMBED on its back. That's right, he tried to ride it! And he did, until the whale started going to deep and he swam away.

So yeah, don't go riding whales guys!

What I'm saying is EJ should go and rescue whales from shadow who might be trying to hunt them or something. I'm not sure why I like whales so much. Because if I saw one up close I would freak out. Wouldn't you if your on a boat and out of no where a whale jumps up.

So that's what I had to say today. I should have called this post Whales, whales, whales. Lol.

I'll post again soon when I think of something else to post. That will most likely be tomorrow by the  time you get home from school.

CL14 out!

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