Friday 25 July 2014

False note -things we know

Hello ej12 fans,
So as many of you know, the next ej12 book (19) is called false note. 

The first thing many fans pointed out is that in Rocky Road the computer virus is called False note, coincidence? As A1 says, coincidences are clues waiting to be caught. Maybe Shady Lady comes back?

Something we do know is that on the cover the whole stars team will be pictured, including Eve. So anytime from now to March 1st we may find out what she looks like.

Also, we know that ciao EJ is set around March 1st , because in her invitation thing to the cortessas party it says March 1st. So the last two books will be set from March to September. Not sure if that's important but it's interesting. Also I think iv read somewhere that book 20 will be about Emma turning 12 and becoming ej14. 

Next is when will the cover be out. We don't know exactly when but from my observations of past times, if ciao EJ came out this month then the cover might come out around December to Febuary. 

Also as you may have noticed there's a new poll now on if you like Nema. The last poll was of you like shine or shadow best and nine people chose shine and one person chose shadow. I'm hoping you were joking...

Also the bounce back competition winner was MB, since I can't win my own competition. New competition will be up soon. 


Attention ej12 fans!
The title for book 19 is on the ej12 website:
False note! A music themed mission, interesting! Comes out 1st March 2015. Can't wait for the cover and chapter because book 19 will have Eve on it! That means book 20, the last ej12 book, will come out either late 2015 or early 2016! What are your thoughts?

Thursday 24 July 2014

~ Ciao EJ review ~

Hello everyone,
Here is my ciao EJ review! Also just to clear the confusion, ciao EJ comes out as e-book today and in stores in August. Here's my review:

I recently received an early copy of ciao EJ for review and let me start by saying its a great book. It's one of my new favourites! The codes are complicated and the problem in the mission is well thought out. 

As we know its set in Italy and as it has been said before, EJ doesn't just visit Venice but some other places in Italy. The new charms are great too and were very useful to EJ on the mission. At school, Emma's problem is realistic as usual and I'm sure many of us relate to it. If you've read the first chapter in the newsletter you will understand the first half of it.

The one thing that shocked me the most was Nema. Susannah has said that something big is going to happen between Nema and Emma but I never before ciao EJ could have believed that it could turn out how it did. You will understand if you read ciao EJ which I really recommend you do. It's a game changed in the ej12 series and a must read for fans. I loved the book and I can not tell you how big the changes are, and in just one book!
Five stars 

I'll tell you more about it on Monday probally since I have my party over the weekend.


Hello everyone,
I'm so sorry I haven't updated this week, iv been doing birthday preparations and other stuff like that. But ciao EJ comes out tomorrow! Are you gusy excited? It's a must read for ej12 fans. My review will be put up in the next few days. Also, I probally won't give away on MY blog what happens with Nema and Emma but on the official ej12 blog someone might give it away. 

You'll find out more in my review. Also I'd just like to say that what happens with Nema (half of it) isn't completely confirmed, just suggested... Heaps. You'll understand when you read it, if you do. I'll say more in the review.


Tuesday 15 July 2014

SHINE divisions

Hello agents,
This post is dedicated to blogging about shines divisions. 

When an agent chooses there division on the ej12 website I find that they normally choose either code cracking or animal agent. Because some of the others are less known. Myself, I chose code cracking because that's what I enjoy. Sometimes I crack codes I find randomly on the internet. I don't think I could be a survalience agent because they have to stay still. I like hide and seek but I woudlnt choose it as a job. Here's the list to choose from at the ej12 website:
Communications and agent support are the less known ones. I'm not even sure what they do in their divisions! Communications is probally things like shine home delivery while agent support, I'm not sure. Maybe when A1 needs to send an agent as back up for another agent she gets an agent support agent to find who would be best? What do you guys think and what division would you choose?
My order of preference would be:
Code cracking
Communications/agent support
Science and invention
Animal training

As you can see I'm not into transport. I'm not a runner or athlete kind of person so I'm not sure id be that good in it.

What divisions do you think shine needs? Someone once one a competition entering an idea for a fashion division or something like that. There must be a division like that because who else makes the clothing for the agents? What about a hacking division or something like that? To intercept the SHADOW messages. Maybe that's agent support. Tell me your thoughts bellow 
  Remember to enter my comeptition and you can still earn points with teh code comp.

Monday 14 July 2014

Update on code competition

just a quick update,
HH14 is the first to crack the code and has won points in my shining stars. If you still crack it you'll get points and remember, at the end of the year the winner overall wins a certificate on my blog and mention. Everyone else will be mentioned in that post, but that's in December/January. So get cracking! 

Ej12 charms + other stuff

Hiya agents,
Finally, I'm posting this post about shine charms quickly and then other things. 
First up here's a pic of an official charm bracelet that I found on google:
I'd love a working charm bracelet. I'm sure all ej12 fans would. Even this not working one would be cool! It's got :
Guitar charm from Rocky road
Paw heart charm from on the ball
Cupcake charm from Choc shock
Penguin charm from hot and cold
Sun charm from in the dark
Dolphin charm from making waves
Key charm from jump start 

I don't have one but iv made do with this one:
It's charms from charm it! Iv got this bracelet and another one but this one has all my ej12 related charms. Lady bug from in the dark, penguin charm from hot and cold, guitar from rocky road, star from something (I forgot!)  and butterfly from jump start. There's also my heart charm which has the C for my first name. 

There's other charms which are EJ related and while I was sick in bed I searched them up and made a picture of them all:
The two huge gaps are two charms from Ciao EJ that I'm not going to show you yet because it's a spoiler! But I will show you teh completed picture after I put my review up. 

What's your favourite ej12 charms? My top few are:
Key charm (it would be useful on missions)
Perfume charm (could be helpful when dealing with SHADOW  agents)
Lady bug charm (for any annoying spiders that are in my way)
Glow rope charm (helpful for heaps of things)
Shoe charm (so I could get places faster)
And I wouldn't mind the dolphin charm so I could tame dolphins and also at sea world get them to come closer... Anyway!

Also I'll be posting soon the first chapter of my ej12 fan story and the front and back covers completed! The charms EJ has in it are:
Hover board charm (her hover board in a charm)
Bubble bottle charm (bubbles are super sticky)
Rainbow charm (makes a fog that turns you invisible pretty much, designed by HH12)
Heart charm (you'll have to wait and see what it says)

Don't forget to enter my competitions! There's a code one and a bounce back one. Winner gets shining star points on my blog!

Sunday 13 July 2014

Code comp

Hello again,
This is a quick code to decode. Well, it's not EXACTLY a code but it's not English! Some of you MIGHT be able to decode this by just looking at it...
It doenst say the exact thing I want it to but it's close enough. Comment the answer and you'll win points! Good luck and use your code cracking skills.
goed gedoen, jy die kode gebreek het. 1ste plek 30 punte. 2de plek 20 punte. 3de plek met 10 punte en iemand anders 5

CL14 out

EJ spy school and other things

Hello everyone,
This post is about EJ spy school and a few things at the end that aren't EJ spy school.

First of all, how awesome would going to spy school be! I'm not eight but I'd still find it fun. There's going to be twelve EJ spy school books, one for each badge she gets. So far the books out are:
The test
The race
Secret spy
Puppy Alert

And coming soon is:
Deep water
Hide and peek

They take about five minutes for me to read, mainly because I spend a while looking at the detailed pictures. Emma and her friends (minus Isi and Eve because they weren't at the school yet) look so cute! Here's a picture of Hannah, Emma and Elle:
They aren't shine agents yet but Emma is. Also here's Nema:
Even Nema looks cute as a little kid, if you ignore the angry look on her face. What do you think of EJ spy school? 

Now onto ej12 related things.

For one, I'm re-reading most of my ej12 books now (again). I would love if I was a shine agent, wouldn't you? I wouldn't make the best agent, I'm scared of heights, deep water where there can be sharks, most spiders, the dark in unknown environments (like the bush because you can't see well) and any animal that's wild and can bite and hurt me. But those are pretty general fears I think. Some can be fixed with shine gadgets.
Heights: not really anything...
Deep water: shine mobile? The purple submarine thing from making waves
Spiders: ladybug charm
Dark: lights and glow rope charm
Wild animals: uhhhhh, shine shoes from on the ball so I could sprint away super fast ;)
What about you guys? Any ideas for charms or gadgets that shine should have? Also remembered there's a moon charm so my moon boot charm wouldn't work... The moon charm is from out of this world.

I'll do more on charms next time and also enter my mini competition for bounce back!

 Just comment your high score or if you have a blog put a picture on your blog of your high score! Winner gets points for my 'shining stars' thing on the side. Winner gets 20 points so it could put you ahead of HH12 and MB14! At the end of the year the winner will get special blog post dedicated to them and also a certificate that I'll put on the blog.


EJ spy school book 6 cover!

Ill update again later probally
But I found EJ spy school book 6's cover:
It's a bit pixalated but it was the best picture I could find. Emma looks so cute being eight! Also on her Santa hat it looks like a camera...

Things :)

Hi guys,
Today's post doenst have much of a theme at all and I'm writing it off the top of my head. For the beginning I'll do something on other ej12 bloggers!

Iv been finding a few new ej12 fan blogs lately which is great! I found one a few minutes ago actually. If you have an ej12 fan blog please tell me because I love looking at them. I have a list on the side of my blog, down a bit, with a list of them so far. So for this blog post I think I'll do a mini blog spotlight! 
First up:

I think her blog was one of the very first ones, or the first. I know that it came out at around the same time as this one. Her blog is great and very colourful. She's the starter of animal agents as in agents who help other people with animal problems, and has a new agent training section with quizzes. My blog as far as I know can't do that. She also had often new mini competitions.

Her blog is very colourful as well and she shows her really cool collages on it. She also has animal agents area and a reviews section. Check it out, links on the side. 

Her blog is also colourful, I think everyone's is now that I think of it. She has a review section and a blog section where she updates on things. She has a fan club section which if you go to it you can become a spy buddy which gives you access to a special agents only page, if you crack the code ;) she also has animal agents but hers is just a list of animals EJ saved.

This is the one I found out just today! Her blog is brand new but so far has a bit of information about her and a poll. I can tell she will be updating more soon (I hope)

That's all the blogs I know of, other than the official ej12 one of course. If you know any PLEASE tell me them. 

Know I just thought of something to talk about:
How cool would a hover board be? Zipping around on air! Also it looks totally safe with foot straps. Emma looks like she's having fun ;)
I'm sure I would too. It would be like skateboarding, without falling off, surfing, without getting wet, snowboarding, but smoother and like flying, because you sort of would be.

Scientists have been able to make hovercrafts, which aren't as cool as EJ's. They're big and circular and are only now, being made not to flip.

That's all for today. Tomorrow I'll update about charms again, since I have some pictures I want to show you, related to charms.
CL14 out-

Friday 11 July 2014

Mini competition!

Hello everyone,
This is the first time I'm doing soenthing like this so let's see how it goes. 
There's going to be two competitions, one for bloggers (MB14, EF12, JL10 + anyone else with a blog) and one for anyone else! 

So you know the game bounce back? Well this competition is about the high scores you get on it. I want you to:
Non bloggers:
Comment your highest scores 
On your blog post your highest score, as a picture (screenshot), when you beat your original one. 

There will be two leaderboards on the right side of My blog with people's high scores. But people commenting if you put something like 50000 I'm not going to believe you. Because in the game you have 80 second to score and every points gets you 10 so yeah, it's impossible. 

This will run until the 25th July! That's a Friday. Until that afternoon. The results will be posted some time between 25night-30th.

So let's get started! Start sending in those comments! Winners get mention on my blog and are added to my competition winners list. Every time you win a comp you will win points, like shining stars I guess.  HH12 and MB14 will be ahead in that from past comps.

I'll start with my score of:
CL14 out-

Bounce back review!

Hello everyone,
Thanks to JL10 who told MB14 which alerted me to this new game. It's really cool and you can play it on iPad, and probally iPhone too. It's on the ej12 website under games. Here's the title screen:
Already it looked cool with Emma or should I say EJ, riding her overboard. The next screen lets you choose a character. For the first game I went with EJ.
Then it sends you into the game versing the other three girls. This games really fun and plays like pong, but with agents, power ups and awesome hover boards.
First up I was against Elle, EK. Straight away I notice her board is her favourite colour which I think is a nice touch. When you start off you have two barriers to deflect teh ball but when the ball hits it they disappear. I beat EK and went on to verse:
Isi or IJ. But by the second round I notice how realistic the other girls moves are. They deflect the ball most of the time, for me anyway, so it was a good challenge to get it past. After IJ I had the last game against HJ
Her board again matches her favourite colour which I thought was cool still. There's lots of power ups to get which helped in the game. Ones that add time, giev you double points, add a barrier and even make the ball faster! After I beat HJ all my scores were added together and I got:
180 points! I think that's pretty good for my first try. Now I should be going, got to play the game as every other character too! Woudlnt it be cool of it did you agent avatar and your choice of board colour? But that doenst matter much, it's still a great game. I give it 9 1/2 out of 10.
CL14 out

Thursday 10 July 2014

Emma's friends and stuff

Hey EJ12 fans,
This post will be about Emma's friends as the title says. 

Emma's best friends incase you forgot are Hannah, Isi, Elle and Eve. 

First of all: Eve
First of all, when I first say her name I read it as Evie, don't ask why. But that stuck with me for a while before I re-read it and realised, hey that's not her name. Has that ever happened to you? You read a characters name wrong and then for the rest of the book your reading it wrong and then if you talk with a friend they're like, but that's not their name. Anyway, sidetracked.

Her character interests me the most because I don't know much about her. She hasn't shown much interest in anything other than animals. Maybe in the last few books it will be revealed. We know she likes animals obviously and is very loyal, like when she took Hannah's horse out of the stable in Big brother. Of you haven't read it I won't spoil what happened. But I recommend you read it, it's in my opinion one of the best. What are your thoughts on Eve? Also it's known that she has an older sister and her favourite colour is orange.

She's the bubbly friend who's loyal and the joking friend. She's one of my favourites out of the girls. She is also very smart since she's in science division, but then aren't they all? So I'm guessing she's good with gadgets and probally with technology. Isi likes animals since to get into shine she made a dog feeder (if my memory is correct) for a science comp. She reminds me of one of my friends who likes science and seems to enjoy DT (design technology) which is what my school calls it. That subject where you use wood and plastic and machines to make things. Also sadly my friend doesn't like ej12 so I know she won't read this but anyway if she does she will know its her.
Again, tell me your thoughts on Isi.

She's the friendly shy one who can get emotional as seen a few times in the series. I think she's the same like me in a few ways except I'm not a fast runner and I'm not especially into sport, or bike riding. Anyway she is and shes in the transport division. I wonder if she's met Katie (KM12). Elle doenst like swimming which is funny, im so much like her except I LOVE swimming and hate the other sports. Anyway, she's not a fast swimmer either and struggles with short distances as seen in Making Waves. She can also skateboard whcih I'm just imagining now, with her curly hair and all. Anyway, you probally won't get that... Back to ej12 related things. Also she's moved to Engalnd, I wonder who her friends are? What if there was a book from Elle's point of view and her best friends were girls called names like Anna, Lezel and Ava or even Mairiam. 
What do you think of Elle? 

She seems to be the kind sweet one of the group. Well they're all kind but she's also the comforter and the one to be there for you. She's also very patient and good agent on training. Also she must be a bit sporty since she does Soccer, Karate, Netball and Gymnastics. I'm not sure what else to say about her, she's kind and loyal, what else can I say? Oh yes, she likes animals and is in the animal division so I suspect she must like them a lot.
Thoughts on Hannah?

Thats all for now. Also excuse any typos because it seems to like autocorrecting things to the wrong words. Shoudl be called autowrong. Anyway...
CL14 out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Emma's friends names

Hello everyone,
This post will be about Emma's friends/rivals names and what they mean.

I often find that authors choose the names of characters so that their menaing relates to their story or character personality or something else. 

Let's start with Nema since she was the one I most wanted to find out the meaning of, I searched her first. The name Nema has many meanings depending on websites. Mainly: dark, blessed and pearl. Dark I can understand but blessed and pearl? Must be a deeper meaning... Or we can go with dark.

Next is Laila. The results for her name were pretty clear. In most languages it means night, born at night and dark beauty. But for Finnish it means light... Strange.

Now is Isabella/Isabelle since Isi isn't a proper name according to google. Anyway her name means weird things like Oath and Promise. So not much to do with Isi.

Hannah was pretty easy. Hers was Mercy and Gracious which is pretty much kindness which is like Hannah's character.

Then I did Elle which came up with ray on sunshine and thinsg like that. Shine related! Coincident? I think not... But maybe I was.

Eve was really easy. Eve means Life and also Animal. Which is strange since Eve is in the animal division of shine. So that matches.

Next is Emma. You may be thinking, what there's more than just her friends? Well I'm going to do some more characters from the books. Anyway, Emma means universal, entire and strength. Emma conquers her fears so her name matches. But Emma was named after Susannah's daughter Emma but either way, her name means strength.

Now onto bonus characters!

Alisha. I think that's how it's spelled. Remember the early ej12 books? Well in them there was a characters Alisha who was mentioned a few times, mainly with Nema being mean to her. Anyway, her name is a form of Alice so I had to go by that which means nobility, noble one and exalted.

Bob. Couldn't leave him out could I? I couldn't find just bob but I found a main answer which is bright and fame. Interesting...

Otto, bobs friend. Iv been interested in this name since when I was younger I had a friend who on clubpenguin (haven't played that for ages) had the name of otto then some numbers. No idea where SHE got that from but anyway... Otto means wealth and money. Strange again.

That's all for now. I'll update again soon. Also on the 28th of July I will be updating my review of Ciao EJ!


Tuesday 8 July 2014


Hi guys,
Sorry I haven't updated latley, iv been really sick. 

Anyway just want to say that I'll be updating more soon I just can't much at the moment. Also check out MB14, JL10 and EF12's ej12 fan blogs, links on the side.
Random picture of Isi and Emma down below 


Friday 4 July 2014

Ej12 charms

Hello everyone!
I'm back from my trip and I'm recovered from my cold so I should be able to blog more.

As the title says this is about the shine charms.
Found that picture years ago on the internet, someone must have won the competition. Years back there was a win a shine bracelet competition. 

Back to the charms. I think they're very smart devices. I mean, all you have to do is twist them and they become whatever they were designed to do. There also seems to be diferent types. The ones I can remember right now as I type are:
Animal-charms (food and training)

That's all I can remember right now. My personal favourites are the key charm, guitar charm, perfume charm and ring charm. Those are the ones I can remember from ALL of her charms. That makes me wonder, would that mean Elle, Eve, Hannah and Isi have less charms? Because some of them jumped straight into star missions with Spooked and Eve was still training. 

What charms do you think there should be? I thought of one the other day, a moon charm. When twisted it becomes a moon boot, those boot people wear when they've hurt their leg. Except it would be a shine moon boot so it would have extra features. The charm could be a crescent moon.

That's all for now. I will update soon. Can't believe it's almost half way through the holidays and iv spent most of it in bed! Never mind that.
CL14 :)