Thursday 10 July 2014

Emma's friends names

Hello everyone,
This post will be about Emma's friends/rivals names and what they mean.

I often find that authors choose the names of characters so that their menaing relates to their story or character personality or something else. 

Let's start with Nema since she was the one I most wanted to find out the meaning of, I searched her first. The name Nema has many meanings depending on websites. Mainly: dark, blessed and pearl. Dark I can understand but blessed and pearl? Must be a deeper meaning... Or we can go with dark.

Next is Laila. The results for her name were pretty clear. In most languages it means night, born at night and dark beauty. But for Finnish it means light... Strange.

Now is Isabella/Isabelle since Isi isn't a proper name according to google. Anyway her name means weird things like Oath and Promise. So not much to do with Isi.

Hannah was pretty easy. Hers was Mercy and Gracious which is pretty much kindness which is like Hannah's character.

Then I did Elle which came up with ray on sunshine and thinsg like that. Shine related! Coincident? I think not... But maybe I was.

Eve was really easy. Eve means Life and also Animal. Which is strange since Eve is in the animal division of shine. So that matches.

Next is Emma. You may be thinking, what there's more than just her friends? Well I'm going to do some more characters from the books. Anyway, Emma means universal, entire and strength. Emma conquers her fears so her name matches. But Emma was named after Susannah's daughter Emma but either way, her name means strength.

Now onto bonus characters!

Alisha. I think that's how it's spelled. Remember the early ej12 books? Well in them there was a characters Alisha who was mentioned a few times, mainly with Nema being mean to her. Anyway, her name is a form of Alice so I had to go by that which means nobility, noble one and exalted.

Bob. Couldn't leave him out could I? I couldn't find just bob but I found a main answer which is bright and fame. Interesting...

Otto, bobs friend. Iv been interested in this name since when I was younger I had a friend who on clubpenguin (haven't played that for ages) had the name of otto then some numbers. No idea where SHE got that from but anyway... Otto means wealth and money. Strange again.

That's all for now. I'll update again soon. Also on the 28th of July I will be updating my review of Ciao EJ!


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