Monday 14 July 2014

Ej12 charms + other stuff

Hiya agents,
Finally, I'm posting this post about shine charms quickly and then other things. 
First up here's a pic of an official charm bracelet that I found on google:
I'd love a working charm bracelet. I'm sure all ej12 fans would. Even this not working one would be cool! It's got :
Guitar charm from Rocky road
Paw heart charm from on the ball
Cupcake charm from Choc shock
Penguin charm from hot and cold
Sun charm from in the dark
Dolphin charm from making waves
Key charm from jump start 

I don't have one but iv made do with this one:
It's charms from charm it! Iv got this bracelet and another one but this one has all my ej12 related charms. Lady bug from in the dark, penguin charm from hot and cold, guitar from rocky road, star from something (I forgot!)  and butterfly from jump start. There's also my heart charm which has the C for my first name. 

There's other charms which are EJ related and while I was sick in bed I searched them up and made a picture of them all:
The two huge gaps are two charms from Ciao EJ that I'm not going to show you yet because it's a spoiler! But I will show you teh completed picture after I put my review up. 

What's your favourite ej12 charms? My top few are:
Key charm (it would be useful on missions)
Perfume charm (could be helpful when dealing with SHADOW  agents)
Lady bug charm (for any annoying spiders that are in my way)
Glow rope charm (helpful for heaps of things)
Shoe charm (so I could get places faster)
And I wouldn't mind the dolphin charm so I could tame dolphins and also at sea world get them to come closer... Anyway!

Also I'll be posting soon the first chapter of my ej12 fan story and the front and back covers completed! The charms EJ has in it are:
Hover board charm (her hover board in a charm)
Bubble bottle charm (bubbles are super sticky)
Rainbow charm (makes a fog that turns you invisible pretty much, designed by HH12)
Heart charm (you'll have to wait and see what it says)

Don't forget to enter my competitions! There's a code one and a bounce back one. Winner gets shining star points on my blog!


  1. One of the CIAO EJ! CHARMS is a pizza charm. Remember the charm making comp??? I think CF12 created the pizza charm??? I'm not giving away what it does. I have only read the sneak peak.

  2. Its puppy alert not puppy love.

  3. Love that your going to use the rainbow in your story������������ Imagine how often it would be useful. If only...
