Thursday 10 July 2014

Emma's friends and stuff

Hey EJ12 fans,
This post will be about Emma's friends as the title says. 

Emma's best friends incase you forgot are Hannah, Isi, Elle and Eve. 

First of all: Eve
First of all, when I first say her name I read it as Evie, don't ask why. But that stuck with me for a while before I re-read it and realised, hey that's not her name. Has that ever happened to you? You read a characters name wrong and then for the rest of the book your reading it wrong and then if you talk with a friend they're like, but that's not their name. Anyway, sidetracked.

Her character interests me the most because I don't know much about her. She hasn't shown much interest in anything other than animals. Maybe in the last few books it will be revealed. We know she likes animals obviously and is very loyal, like when she took Hannah's horse out of the stable in Big brother. Of you haven't read it I won't spoil what happened. But I recommend you read it, it's in my opinion one of the best. What are your thoughts on Eve? Also it's known that she has an older sister and her favourite colour is orange.

She's the bubbly friend who's loyal and the joking friend. She's one of my favourites out of the girls. She is also very smart since she's in science division, but then aren't they all? So I'm guessing she's good with gadgets and probally with technology. Isi likes animals since to get into shine she made a dog feeder (if my memory is correct) for a science comp. She reminds me of one of my friends who likes science and seems to enjoy DT (design technology) which is what my school calls it. That subject where you use wood and plastic and machines to make things. Also sadly my friend doesn't like ej12 so I know she won't read this but anyway if she does she will know its her.
Again, tell me your thoughts on Isi.

She's the friendly shy one who can get emotional as seen a few times in the series. I think she's the same like me in a few ways except I'm not a fast runner and I'm not especially into sport, or bike riding. Anyway she is and shes in the transport division. I wonder if she's met Katie (KM12). Elle doenst like swimming which is funny, im so much like her except I LOVE swimming and hate the other sports. Anyway, she's not a fast swimmer either and struggles with short distances as seen in Making Waves. She can also skateboard whcih I'm just imagining now, with her curly hair and all. Anyway, you probally won't get that... Back to ej12 related things. Also she's moved to Engalnd, I wonder who her friends are? What if there was a book from Elle's point of view and her best friends were girls called names like Anna, Lezel and Ava or even Mairiam. 
What do you think of Elle? 

She seems to be the kind sweet one of the group. Well they're all kind but she's also the comforter and the one to be there for you. She's also very patient and good agent on training. Also she must be a bit sporty since she does Soccer, Karate, Netball and Gymnastics. I'm not sure what else to say about her, she's kind and loyal, what else can I say? Oh yes, she likes animals and is in the animal division so I suspect she must like them a lot.
Thoughts on Hannah?

Thats all for now. Also excuse any typos because it seems to like autocorrecting things to the wrong words. Shoudl be called autowrong. Anyway...
CL14 out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1. ELLE I was always thinking that it was like Ellie but I realized it was Elle until my big sister told me!

    1. Iv been thinking about how to say Elle. Iv got it as Ellie stuck in my head so I don't think it can change...
