Friday 11 July 2014

Mini competition!

Hello everyone,
This is the first time I'm doing soenthing like this so let's see how it goes. 
There's going to be two competitions, one for bloggers (MB14, EF12, JL10 + anyone else with a blog) and one for anyone else! 

So you know the game bounce back? Well this competition is about the high scores you get on it. I want you to:
Non bloggers:
Comment your highest scores 
On your blog post your highest score, as a picture (screenshot), when you beat your original one. 

There will be two leaderboards on the right side of My blog with people's high scores. But people commenting if you put something like 50000 I'm not going to believe you. Because in the game you have 80 second to score and every points gets you 10 so yeah, it's impossible. 

This will run until the 25th July! That's a Friday. Until that afternoon. The results will be posted some time between 25night-30th.

So let's get started! Start sending in those comments! Winners get mention on my blog and are added to my competition winners list. Every time you win a comp you will win points, like shining stars I guess.  HH12 and MB14 will be ahead in that from past comps.

I'll start with my score of:
CL14 out-


  1. Cool. On my computer I can't play it for some reason though.

  2. its so hard!!!!!!! from MB
