Sunday 13 July 2014

EJ spy school and other things

Hello everyone,
This post is about EJ spy school and a few things at the end that aren't EJ spy school.

First of all, how awesome would going to spy school be! I'm not eight but I'd still find it fun. There's going to be twelve EJ spy school books, one for each badge she gets. So far the books out are:
The test
The race
Secret spy
Puppy Alert

And coming soon is:
Deep water
Hide and peek

They take about five minutes for me to read, mainly because I spend a while looking at the detailed pictures. Emma and her friends (minus Isi and Eve because they weren't at the school yet) look so cute! Here's a picture of Hannah, Emma and Elle:
They aren't shine agents yet but Emma is. Also here's Nema:
Even Nema looks cute as a little kid, if you ignore the angry look on her face. What do you think of EJ spy school? 

Now onto ej12 related things.

For one, I'm re-reading most of my ej12 books now (again). I would love if I was a shine agent, wouldn't you? I wouldn't make the best agent, I'm scared of heights, deep water where there can be sharks, most spiders, the dark in unknown environments (like the bush because you can't see well) and any animal that's wild and can bite and hurt me. But those are pretty general fears I think. Some can be fixed with shine gadgets.
Heights: not really anything...
Deep water: shine mobile? The purple submarine thing from making waves
Spiders: ladybug charm
Dark: lights and glow rope charm
Wild animals: uhhhhh, shine shoes from on the ball so I could sprint away super fast ;)
What about you guys? Any ideas for charms or gadgets that shine should have? Also remembered there's a moon charm so my moon boot charm wouldn't work... The moon charm is from out of this world.

I'll do more on charms next time and also enter my mini competition for bounce back!

 Just comment your high score or if you have a blog put a picture on your blog of your high score! Winner gets points for my 'shining stars' thing on the side. Winner gets 20 points so it could put you ahead of HH12 and MB14! At the end of the year the winner will get special blog post dedicated to them and also a certificate that I'll put on the blog.


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