Friday 11 July 2014

Bounce back review!

Hello everyone,
Thanks to JL10 who told MB14 which alerted me to this new game. It's really cool and you can play it on iPad, and probally iPhone too. It's on the ej12 website under games. Here's the title screen:
Already it looked cool with Emma or should I say EJ, riding her overboard. The next screen lets you choose a character. For the first game I went with EJ.
Then it sends you into the game versing the other three girls. This games really fun and plays like pong, but with agents, power ups and awesome hover boards.
First up I was against Elle, EK. Straight away I notice her board is her favourite colour which I think is a nice touch. When you start off you have two barriers to deflect teh ball but when the ball hits it they disappear. I beat EK and went on to verse:
Isi or IJ. But by the second round I notice how realistic the other girls moves are. They deflect the ball most of the time, for me anyway, so it was a good challenge to get it past. After IJ I had the last game against HJ
Her board again matches her favourite colour which I thought was cool still. There's lots of power ups to get which helped in the game. Ones that add time, giev you double points, add a barrier and even make the ball faster! After I beat HJ all my scores were added together and I got:
180 points! I think that's pretty good for my first try. Now I should be going, got to play the game as every other character too! Woudlnt it be cool of it did you agent avatar and your choice of board colour? But that doenst matter much, it's still a great game. I give it 9 1/2 out of 10.
CL14 out

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