Sunday 13 July 2014

Things :)

Hi guys,
Today's post doenst have much of a theme at all and I'm writing it off the top of my head. For the beginning I'll do something on other ej12 bloggers!

Iv been finding a few new ej12 fan blogs lately which is great! I found one a few minutes ago actually. If you have an ej12 fan blog please tell me because I love looking at them. I have a list on the side of my blog, down a bit, with a list of them so far. So for this blog post I think I'll do a mini blog spotlight! 
First up:

I think her blog was one of the very first ones, or the first. I know that it came out at around the same time as this one. Her blog is great and very colourful. She's the starter of animal agents as in agents who help other people with animal problems, and has a new agent training section with quizzes. My blog as far as I know can't do that. She also had often new mini competitions.

Her blog is very colourful as well and she shows her really cool collages on it. She also has animal agents area and a reviews section. Check it out, links on the side. 

Her blog is also colourful, I think everyone's is now that I think of it. She has a review section and a blog section where she updates on things. She has a fan club section which if you go to it you can become a spy buddy which gives you access to a special agents only page, if you crack the code ;) she also has animal agents but hers is just a list of animals EJ saved.

This is the one I found out just today! Her blog is brand new but so far has a bit of information about her and a poll. I can tell she will be updating more soon (I hope)

That's all the blogs I know of, other than the official ej12 one of course. If you know any PLEASE tell me them. 

Know I just thought of something to talk about:
How cool would a hover board be? Zipping around on air! Also it looks totally safe with foot straps. Emma looks like she's having fun ;)
I'm sure I would too. It would be like skateboarding, without falling off, surfing, without getting wet, snowboarding, but smoother and like flying, because you sort of would be.

Scientists have been able to make hovercrafts, which aren't as cool as EJ's. They're big and circular and are only now, being made not to flip.

That's all for today. Tomorrow I'll update about charms again, since I have some pictures I want to show you, related to charms.
CL14 out-

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