Tuesday 15 July 2014

SHINE divisions

Hello agents,
This post is dedicated to blogging about shines divisions. 

When an agent chooses there division on the ej12 website I find that they normally choose either code cracking or animal agent. Because some of the others are less known. Myself, I chose code cracking because that's what I enjoy. Sometimes I crack codes I find randomly on the internet. I don't think I could be a survalience agent because they have to stay still. I like hide and seek but I woudlnt choose it as a job. Here's the list to choose from at the ej12 website:
Communications and agent support are the less known ones. I'm not even sure what they do in their divisions! Communications is probally things like shine home delivery while agent support, I'm not sure. Maybe when A1 needs to send an agent as back up for another agent she gets an agent support agent to find who would be best? What do you guys think and what division would you choose?
My order of preference would be:
Code cracking
Communications/agent support
Science and invention
Animal training

As you can see I'm not into transport. I'm not a runner or athlete kind of person so I'm not sure id be that good in it.

What divisions do you think shine needs? Someone once one a competition entering an idea for a fashion division or something like that. There must be a division like that because who else makes the clothing for the agents? What about a hacking division or something like that? To intercept the SHADOW messages. Maybe that's agent support. Tell me your thoughts bellow 
  Remember to enter my comeptition and you can still earn points with teh code comp.


  1. I think there should be a disguise and design division. They design and create disguises for other agents and themselves. They also go on general missions.

  2. Your birthday is next week! Yay! What day is it. My birthday is about 3 weeks!

  3. School today NOOOOOO YEEESSS

  4. CIAO EJ! is coming out tomorrow!!!
