Friday 18 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Agents!

I haven't posted lately which I did talk about a few posts back and I still will be away for a little bit. Just been going through some big changes in my life, but they're good changes :) 

For the Christmas spirit I've been playing with animation on the computer and created this short video:

The character on the video is what I look like, kind of. Green eyes, brown curly hair and pink. 

HH14/16 won this years agent of the year so congrats! Second year in a row!

Merry Christmas! 

From CL16!

Saturday 7 November 2015

#4 Guess that Agent

Sup agents,
There's been no new news about the next ej12 book but we're all waiting. According to the website it should come out 1st of June next year :/ very very long time away but all well. We do have 20 books to read in the meantime.

Now for guess that agent number 4!
Last times answer was HJ12 which HH14 got correct! She's leading so far. Also remember that whoever wins at Christmas I make a certificate and put it on my blog.
Here it is:
CL16 out

Saturday 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween for yesterday!

Happy Halloween for yesterday!
Hope you had fun trick or treating if you did that
Here's a picture of Emma I made of her costume:

She's a black cat :) 
Some people are probably going to use that image on the ej12 official blog in the artwork, that's why I put edited by CL16 there. Some people have been claiming my pictures as there own... Well, my edits.

P.s From Middle of November onwards I may not post for a few weeks. Hopefully I will before Christmas but I've got some things going (big things) that will take up my time... 
P.s.s the guess that agent from the last post is still unanswered (I think) so go comment down who you think it is for points >

CL16 out!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

#3 Guess that Agent

Howdy agents, 
Still not much news about book 21. Susannah has said that she is currently planning it, so it Is in the making. 

Also if you have a fan story or want to read ej12 fan stories go to fan stories above and click the link to my other website where I post fan stories that are sent in! Even just send in the first chapter or first few sentences.

Now for Guess that Agent #3
#2 agent was Eve! Good guessing agents. 
Here is agent 3
Get guessing!
CL16 out!

Friday 16 October 2015

#2 Guess that Agent

Heya Agents,
This is number 2 out of around 8-10 guess that agent challenges! HH12 (or 14,16 I'm not sure) correctly guess Isi and got 20 points on the leaderboard to the side >
Remember whoever comes first at the end of the year gets a certificate posted on the blog made by me. HH one last year, will anyone beat her? 
How to comment:
Use the Name/URL option and just put in your name and leave URL empty and then comment! Or just go with anonymous and say from whoever you are. 

Guess that agent #2 is below. First comment gets 20 points and then any other correct gets 10 points. Any incorrect answers will still get you5 points. I won't publish the comments but will add your points when I see it. 
This ones a little bit trickier 

Sunday 11 October 2015

#1 Guess that Agent + Updates

Yo agent, 

First, I've updated this blog a little and done a lot of work on the fan books website (go to fan books above to find the link) along with the shine activities page. 

Now for the guess that agent contest. First agent to guess the character below gets 20 points (for shining stars to the side) and everyone else afterwards gets 10. 

Guess away!
CL16 out

Friday 9 October 2015

Spotlight Single and Teams (Games)

Shine Activities #1

How to play regular spotlight
What you need:
3+ People (The more the better)
1 Flashlight PER PERSON
An area to play (like a park/or inside)

Spotlight is best played in the dark (perhaps just after sunset)

1 person is it, like in tag, and turns there flashlight on. Everyone gets around 10-20 seconds to hide behind trees or furniture. Once the time is up whoever is it goes around trying to tag other players. A player is tagged if they are shone on by the flashlight. Whoever is tagged then turns heir flashlight on and the person who was it turns theres off. This game goes on for however long the players would like.

How to play team spotlight
What you need:
4+ People (The more the better)
1 Flashlight PER PERSON
An area to play (like a park/or inside)
Different coloured cellophane (2)
Rubber band per flashlight

This game is played just like regular Spotlight with a twist, there's 2 teams! As usual, each player has a flashlight, but this time a piece of coloured cellophane covers the light. TIP: Use thinner cellophane for the beam of light to be seen. The two teams, defined by their colour, go to the playing area and decide who from either team will be it for the round. The two players (one from each team) then stands in the middle. After 10-30 seconds the players turns on their flashlights and begin to move around searching for hiders. They each look for people on the other team who are eliminated after being found and go stand in the middle. The two people cannot tag each other. Last remaining person and their team wins.

- The two colours chosen should both be bright
   - Red wont work very well, try blue and yellow or another set of bright colours.
- Another team version is that once someone is tagged they also become a tagger, like gang up tiggy
- If you have enough people try playing with 3 or 4 teams

There you have it! How to play different versions of Spotlight. Comment below if you tried anything mentioned above. 

Spy skills:
Good hiding, spying and timing skills along with aiming and searching.

CL16 out

The Shining Stars Fanart

Hey there agents,
I've been searching and haven't found any news about the next ej12 book, book 21. Susannah said there will be 22 so let's wait and see. 

In the mean time I created this image of Emma and her friends as a band. 
Isi is playing the electric guitar on her knees, kind of wild like she is
Elle is playing the tambourine, just going with the flow
Emma is lead singer and enjoying to with her friends
Eve is playing acoustic guitar, going with the vibe
And Hannah is playing the shine violin 

Elle's hair got cut off a little and for Eve's hair I drew the parts hanging down
Also I drew a lot of the parts 

Yeah, I hope you all like this!
P.s I'm going to be having a competition thingy on my blog for shining star points soon (if anyone even reads this anymore) 

CL16 out!

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Saturday 29 August 2015

Unofficial fanart by me ;)

I'm making edits of all of EJ's spy friends doing things from the books/their division. 

First is CC12, surveillance division, peeking out from a bush
Book / division : She probably did this at some point 

Next is KM12, transport division, riding EJ places on a bike (this is the bike from Fashion Fraud, but it's not in fashion fraud)
Book / division : often in books she will ride EJ places on the shine helicopter bike

Finally, the one that took me the longest... Eve moving her horse from the fire! It took me a while because every limb is a different picture and yeah
Book / division: Big Brother

I'm making more pictures soon of the others, so stay tuned!
CL16 out

Thursday 27 August 2015

True Light Review

True Light - Book 20 - Sweden
No spoilers review

Okay, first of all, I'm still thinking about one major plot twist which you have got to read. But first, let me tell you some other reasons why I LOVED true light.

The book does start off a little sad, as it does in the first chapter available on the ej12 website, but gets happier. Emma's grandma, from her dads side in Sweden, has died. But soon Emma and her mum are called off to HQ and the mission begins... Sort of. 

The book jumps back 9 months to a previous mission, not already in the ej12 books, where herds of deer are unwell and they don't know how. One thing leads to another and Shadow is brought in. 

I really liked what happened at the (insert place) with EJ. It was very creative haha. 

The book then goes forward 9 months to present day. Then the plot twist comes in. Seriously, you have got to read it, even for that. Maybe I'm overreacting but I thought this was important, especially for the later book. Makes me wonder what the next book is gonna be... 

Overall I give True Light a 4.5/5,  which is really high to me

CL16 (almost typed 14) Out!

Edit: oh and also there's this part where ej is dodging sensors which when I read it I thought would be a cool idea for a game on the ej12 website :)

Friday 7 August 2015

False Note / True Light

I'm now CL16! Wow I feel so old 0.0 jokes.

So something I realised when thinking about True light, is its name... And some of you probably reasoned too.

Book 19 was called FALSE note and Book 20 is TRUE light. 
True and False... Why?
Bet there's some hidden meaning or something, we'll have to wait the 16 days until it's released.

CL16 Out 

Monday 20 July 2015

Why I Love EJ12

As my final post as CL14 (I'm CL16 soon) I am going to type up why I love EJ12, here we go. It may be a bit long...

Why do I love EJ12:
Emma Jacks, a character who acts and thinks like a girl her age, is a girl I've grown up reading about. Being a spy has always (and still is) something I wish I could be, so when I realised that wasn't going to happen soon, I started to read about spies. EJ12 was exactly what I was hoping for, a book about a girl spy, who could do anything when she set herself to it. 

I first remember seeing EJ12 on the bookshelf at my local Borders bookstore. I went there often, reading and looking at books while my mother would have something to eat at the cafe. EJ12 was a book series I often saw but never really touched until one day, after I'd searched for a spy book in the huge store for so long, I picked it up and was delighted to find it was about that very topic. The book I picked up was 'In the dark' (book 3). I went home, read the book, and was slightly confused about some areas of the book. I soon returned to the store and bought books 1 and 2. I read them and finally understood as much as I could about EJ12. From there I went on to read the rest of the series, up to this very day. 

I loved (and still do) that Emma uses all her potential when on missions. She thinks things through and completes the missions. She was one of my inspirations to work at school, knowing that if Emma could do it, I could. And so can you!

Overall, the EJ12 series is a beautifully written book series written by a talented author. Maybe if I think things through like Emma, I could myself one day publish a book or two (which is one of my life goals :)

CL14 signing out for the last time ever 

CL14 Out

Wednesday 1 July 2015


Nothing new about the book other than that it is coming out in about 50 days now :)

Okay so I've been getting comments on shine camp thing up the top of this page of good ideas of things to do, and I do want to upload there. But the website makes it that I have to use a computer to update it to there, and I mainly use my iPad (I'm using my iPad right now) but I'm hoping to add something soon. 

Happy Holidays Agents! 

P.s This month I become CL16 *gasp*

CL14 out!

Saturday 20 June 2015

Website Update

Hello agents,
Just a quick post to tell you that I'm working on this blog! I'm trying to add and delete pages and edit the polls and stuff but it's being a little... Fiddly. Hope to have it working soon...
(P.s, I'm going to be CL16 in just over a month!)

Friday 19 June 2015

True light complete cover

Ta-da^ the full true light cover as revealed on the official ej12 blog! 

I think it's really pretty, even though Emma's sad. I love the aurora lights in the background and the snow! Have you guys ever seen snow before? I've been to the snow once years ago but it was more like ice than snow. 

That's all for now!
CL14 out!

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Nothing much :)

Hello Agents!
So I haven't posted for a while but I'm back... Kind of!

Anyway, there isn't any new news on anything ej12 related or about True light other than that both sides of the cover has been revealed. Below I've placed two things I've edited. Images and stuff is owned by Susannah and her company. 

And an eve edit!
None of these are official!!!

Thursday 30 April 2015

TRUE LIGHT - Ej12 side Cover

Hello Agents!
The ej12 side of the cover has been revealed! 
as we can see there's four dogs (husky???) pulling the sled with Emma and Elle inside. Behind them is the fading aurora lights (so pretty) and it's also snowing. 

On the ej12 website there's a competition to name the three dogs, but there's four in the picture! My guess is that one of them is Pip! Yay! (More on that later)

What do you guys think of it? I really like it actually.


Sunday 26 April 2015


The next ej12 book (20) will be called True Light

It will be set in Sweden 

More details coming soon

Friday 17 April 2015

Happy holidays

Hey agents,
So for most of Australia it's holidays (or was) so happy holidays! I'm still on holidays till next Wednesday :)

First off, Susannah posted this picture from the next ej spy school book, Lights out:
Must be some sort of in the dark mission or training. 

Secondly, earlier today I was on holidays at a place where you stay in cabins and next door on their deck was a girl reading Rocky Road! I didn't talk to her because we were leaving but I don't often see others reading EJ12 outside. 

CL14 out!

Thursday 2 April 2015

Sorry I haven't updated for a while...

Sorry about the little updates...
Anyway, I don't have any real news, except for the new Ej spy school book 'Lights Out' comes out at some point. I can't find the cover online yet, I saw it in Total Girl magazine. It's got 3 mice on the cover and EJ holding a torch!

Friday 27 February 2015


Sup readers,
So first up, just a warning that the end of this post will contain a false note spoiler! So do NOT read it if you haven't read False note yet. 

But before that, this:
We have a release date yay! I wonder what it's gonna be called? What we know so far, is that it's set in Sweden, Emma's gonna ride a husky sleigh thing and the release date above ^
Also I was wondering, if you have Pyramid Puzzle you would perhaps have noticed that the normally silver part on it is gold. I think this looks really good with the cover but sometimes people wonder why? I am one of those people, but I have an idea. Pyramid puzzle is the 10th book, which is pretty cool, and this coming book will be book 20! Will book 20 then also be gold, since it's another tenth one! Probally not but that's just a thought. 

Now, a spoiler is coming up so flee! If you have not read false note yet, you may now advert your eyes and wonder. I mean, most of you will most likely read and look at the picture but still... It will come after my spoiler warning:
|                          |
|    S P O I L E R  |
|                           |
|      A L E R T      |

Spoilers are coming now! Well, kind of spoiler... Anyway.
So on the page for false note it has this summary from A1:
Wow, just wow. A new member! If you've read false note you can probally guess who that is... 
But image 'that person' joining the stars. Should be interesting... 
But what division do you think 'that person' is in? Double agent division? I'm not sure...

Anyway that's all for now, see you for our next spotlight soon!

Sunday 22 February 2015

Spotlight : Code Cracking

Hello agents and code crackers,

Let's start with some information about code crackers. What is a code? Who is a cracker? Let's find out:
Code : (Google definition)
a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy.

That's a pretty good definition I'd say. But back to what they do. Code crackers in shine are agents, as young as 10, who work for shine to crack codes intercepted from Shadow or other sources. For example, EJ12 is a code cracker, the best for her age too. Some other examples are CO45, the head in codes at shine. 

Code cracking is also a very popular divison amongst you guys! Yes you, the reader reading this very sentence and words. Many of you would choose to be a code cracker. EJ does make it look pretty cool doesn't she! 

In real life being a secret agent is possible. You read right, you can be a secret agent. Only thing is for one, all agencies don't accept people under 18, they only acceot the smartest people on earth and are normally based in capital cities. Oh and real secret agent work is very difficult and dangerous, life threatening even. 

But the fact that getting into a real secret agency is hard doesn't stop you from trying, or making your own! Many people like making 'agencies' with their friends, I know my friend and I have our own one, kind of... It's name is always changing! But besides that, have any of you ever made a secret agency with your friend(s)? Feel free to comment if you have!

That's all for this Spotlight! Tune in next time, in a day or two, for a spotlight on... surveillance agents!
Also what division should I do after that? Animal agents? Transport or perhaps Communication? 
<>CL14<>Surveillance Agent<>
Emma a Code Cracker

Agent division Spotlights

Hullo readers,
This post is going to be one that I'll do for a few days, if that makes sense, called division spotlights! 

Basically each shine division known so far will be given a post all about them, their agents and what those agents do. Why am I doing these spotlights? I'm not entirely sure but I have one possible idea, which is that I've deicded to change which division I am on the ej12 website. 

What was I before? Code cracking. Why'd I change? Because I realised I would be better at another and liked it more ;). What am I know? Surveilence. Why Surveilence? Because I realised if I was in real life if be better at it, and probally like it more... I'm not completely sure. 

Code cracking is something I do with my friend sometimes, we like the idea of being spies. But then I do like spying on people and telling people what I've seen, in detail. Maybe I should be a code-veilence divisions. Jokes, I just made that up. 

Anyway back to the spotlights. I'll post the first one soonish, which will be on code crackers. Also I'll keep them spoiler free as far as story lines go. I'll say who some agents in that divison are, what they do and so on. Should be interesting... 

That's all the typing I'll do for this post. But below I've attached my profile thingy from the ej website and blurred out my name and birthdate for cybersaftey ;) all you gotta know about that is that my name starts with C and im 12-13. 
See ya! 
P.s sorry about the blury pic below, it's HD in my photo gallery...
PPS. it won't show my animals for some reason but they're inky, squirt, 3 black kittens and Skygge 

Saturday 21 February 2015

False Note was Awesome

Heya agents, 
My copy of false note ^ you can see my ipad in the reflection O.o 

I know false note comes out on the 25th but my bookstore had them for sale today. 
I literally just finished it about five minutes ago and let me just say, it was awsome. I won't post any story spoilers. 

I think it's now one of my new favourite ej12 books. The mission is really interesting and kept me turning the pages (while driving home in our car). You find some things out about Eve, for example her last name: Licht, which means light. You also learn that Eve's family is from Germany! Also you find some more things out about Nema...

There's so many things I could say but it would spoil parts of the book for you.. 
But either way, you need to read this book! 
Anyway once you've read it tell me your thoughts? 

~ CL14 ~

Tuesday 10 February 2015

New offical comps

Hello people!
There hasn't been much to post about lately but now we've got something!

Two new competitions on the ej12 website!

First one is to win a signed copy of false note, so that's cool

The second one is:
So I'm guessing that person will be a Surveilence agent in the book. I'm not going to say what I have put but you guys should go and enter yours! 

This was a short post but I hope to post again soon

Friday 23 January 2015

Ej12 tv show (nothing new)

Hello shining stars,
As the title says this post is centred around the ej12 tv show, which we haven't talked about for a little while. 

First off, I found this online:
It is 2 0 1 5 now so that means we've just got 1-2 years until the show, if that is correct^

This tells us that there will be 26 episodes (already knew that) and they will be 30 minutes long (we guessed that). 

But what do you think will happen in the episodes? I'm guessing every episode (maybe) will have part of it as emma and half of a mission. Something like that perhaps. 
Also the cool thing with the tv show is we get to see heaps of characters, because if you think about it we will probally/obviously see:

Elle (maybe I'm not sure)
Emma's teachers (Ms Tenga, black, sipes...)
Agents like CO45 and so on...
Shadow agents like Adriana, Caterina, Amber and more... (Possibly new ones too)
Plus way more bakcground people and so on
Also they'll all have voices

So what do you think about the ej12 girk hero tv show that's coming? I know I will be watching it even if I'm 15/16 I think... (Wow I'm almost that age already?) 

What do you want to see on the show?

Thursday 15 January 2015

Cover Changes

Heya shine agents,
This post is mainly about the new cover ideas, read on to understand.

First up, on the ej12 official blog the team has stated that since it' been five years since the first ej12 book came out, which now that I'm thinking about it I thought it was longer, they're going to be making new covers for the ej12 books.


My opinion: I get what they're saying with changing them, especially since we've only got another 2-3 years of ej12. But the part that's confusing us mostly is if the new covers would be the only option. For example, if they made new covers before the book after false note (comes out in less than 45 days) would the new cover be the only option? Would all the (3ish) books after False Note have the new cover and not the old one? Because me (being a perfectionist with book shelves lol) would want to have them all in one cover style, you get what I mean? 


What do you guys think? How would you change the covers?

I suggested making the covers show scenes from the books, for example for making waves EJ could be swimming with squirt and on the emma side she would be on a diving block? 
I personally also like the emma and EJ halves of the cover.

That's all for now

Friday 9 January 2015

False note sneak peak coming!

Heya everyone,
A false note sneak peak is going to be on the official ej12 blog next week! Can't wait!
Also a random picture/GIF(if it will work) is below for no real reason:

Wednesday 7 January 2015

1st comp winner and random stuff

Hello Ej fans,
So first up, I haven't really got much entries for the comp... Okay only one but it's actually a really good one. And that's HH14's entry of SHADOW. I actually wasn't thinking of that answer but that's actually really good. I still have one spot available so just answer the question in the last post. I'll give you a hint, it's more colourful than a shadow. That's all I'll say on that. 

So I was bored and decide to make an ej12 collage so I made this one:
I edited Eve myself into the best I could get to Yellow... I'll probally end up re doing it. I've made the ring half visible which I think looks cool over the top, also I've matched the petal colours to the agents.

Yeah short post I know, I'll try and make a longer one soon. 
< CL14 />

Friday 2 January 2015

Fire Frenzy Fan Book Comp (my fan story)

Hello Ej12 fans,

I have started writing a new ej12 fan story called Fire Frenzy which can be found at or in the link on the right --->
I'll be sending it to the ej12 team when I've finished the cover. 

But in the story I am going to have two agent spots available... For who could be you!
You just have to come up with a good answer to a question down the bottom. 

But the agent divisions will be:
One agents will be science and invention 
The other one can be either science and invention/ animal OR Surveilence 
When you comment the answer say what division you'd want to be in

The riddle/question is:
The closer you come
The farther I go
The lighter it gets
The more I fade
What am I?

Hope that's not too hard, I only know once answer but there may be more. The bolded parts are hints sort of...
If no one knows the answer by the 5th then I'll do a new question.

Thursday 1 January 2015


HAPPY 2015!!!
Yeah I'm a day late whatever
So 2014 is gone and 2015 has come finally. I'll probally still be writing 2014 on my books for dates for at least three months and crossing out the 4 and making a 5. 

First up,
3-4ish months till False Note! Yay it's closer now. 
1-2 years left till the ej12 tv show! 

Also something else
This year my agent name will be changing to CL16, wow that makes me sound old ;)
But that's not for half the year so I'm still CL14 for now. That means people like MB14 will become MB16, maybe the same with some of you people reading. I just used MB, if your reading this, as an example because you've told me... Anyway. 
That's going to be weird.

Competition wise there has been two entries for both the charm and charm message comps, no story entries yet. They can be as long as you like and I was thinking if the entrants want me too I will put it up on which is for fan books to be displayed (with author permission). So far there's the first 1-2 chapters of Secret at Sea and the whole of Spied Out by MB14 so go read and comment on those!

Also I've been writing a new EJ12 fan story set at Bondi Beach but it's going slowly so it won't be up for a while. 

Anyway that's all for this post, see you again soon! (Thinking of doing another interview with someone...)