Saturday 29 March 2014


Yay! I just got the blogger app and can now add pictures! You will now be seeing so much more colour on these pages. Here's the secret at sea cover:

Secret at sea and other things

Hello everyone!
My last post was my chapter 1 of secret at sea, my ej12 FAN made story. Iv actually finished it but it's being posted chapter by chapter on the official ej12 blog :)

In other ej12 related things. I can't remember where I saw it but I read somewhere about Susannah wanting to write two other series for girls. Again, I can't remember where I read it or how it was but anyway, something to put out there.

I'm so excited for an ej12 tv show. Apparently it takes a year or two before it will be on tv sadly. Lots of us will have grown by then, myself included. But I would probably still watch it, I'm not into the violent thinsg most of my friends read that are for 18yr olds that they read before they're even a teen. I'm more into books like ej12 that are spies and secret agents. Not many books for me are right and I'm in the same boat as a few people I know. Ej12 luckily is one of the books I love for that. Maybe that's why I write many of my own stories of spies and secret agents.

I just remembered something. The first time I ever read an ej12 book was at this book store at a shopping centre. I went there often and normally just looked at the books and pulled them out and looked at the drawings, so once I picked up in the dark and read a bit. My Mum asked if I wanted to get it since my brother was getting a book so I said yes and iv loved it ever since.

What are your ej12 stories? I'd love to hear some. Sometimes blogging feels like your blogging to no one but I know people read these posts and find them helpful.
CL14 out! :)

Secret at sea chapter 1

Here's my ej12 fan story, it still has some mistakes. It was on the ej12 blog too.

Chapter 1
Sitting at her desk Emma quietly tapped her pencil. This terms new maths was a whole lot more complicated.
(5x4) + (9x6) + (20-13)
Her teacher also wanted her to write out all her working. It's just big numbers. She thought to herself as she worked it out. 5x4 is 20 and 9x6 is 54. 20+54 is... 74. Half the question done. Emma thought as she write it down.
"Emma." Whispered Isi from her left.
"What?" Asked Emma as Isi smiled.
"How come the pirates couldn't play a game of cards?" Asked Isi.
"I don't know."
"Because they were standing on the deck!" She whispered back, laughing silently at her own joke. Isi always made her feel better. Emma just smiled and turned back to her paper.
Quickly she wrote out the answer and sighed in relief.
Getting up she started walking to the front of the classroom to hand in her test. She passed Hannah and then Nema. Quickly she placed her sheet on Ms Tenga's desk and started walking back the way she came. Emma was the first one done as usual. On her way back as she walked she felt her ankle collide with something, or someone. With a loud bang in the quiet classroom she landed on the floor, stopping herself from getting to hurt. Some girls started laughing as Emma got up. A foot from the desk to the left suddenly slid away.
"Are you ok Emma?" Asked Ms Tenga and Emma just nodded.
"Oops, sorry Emz." Said Nema putting on her sweetest face. Emma hated when she called her that. Quickly and quietly she rushed to her seat and opened her activity book. Why does Nema have to be so mean? Thought Emma as some more people started finishing.

Eventually the whole class was done and it was morning tea time. Eve, Hannah and Isi all linked arms with Emma as they walked out to the seating area.
"That wasn't very nice of Nema." Said Hannah once they sat down.
"Why does she always have to be mean?" Asked Eve as they started eating. Emma stayed silent as she looked over to the lockers. Nema and Laila were standing there talking to Mrs Black. A chill slid down Emma's spin as she looked back at her friends. Hannah must have noticed Emma watching them.
"They don't know anything." Whispered Hannah leaning over.
"I guess so." Replied Emma.

 She understood what Hannah meant. They were all secret agents for SHINE anyway. Nema and Laila had joined SHADOW recently. Emma couldn't be sure if they knew she was in SHINE but she knew they were in SHADOW.

"Back to important things." Said Isi."Are you all coming to the Fair on the weekend? There's going to be games and prizes."
"My mum said I could come." Replied Hannah.
"Me too." Said Eve.
"What about you Emma?" Asked Isi. Emma had been busy watching Nema and Laila who would occasionally look over at them with Ms Black.
"Hmm, yes I can come." She replied and Isi smiled.
"Since were eleven now we can go on the bigger rides." Said Isi who loved the big slides for eleven year olds and up. Bigger rides. Scarier rides. Thought Emma but she shook the thought away.
"I hope we can go on the giant bouncing pillow they bring, it springs you so high!" Said Eve as she started drinking her popper.

Emma looked over at Laila and Nema. Now Ms Black was gone and it was just them talking and watching the girls occasionally. She felt like she was being watched. Mainly because it seemed like she was. Suddenly the bell went signalling for class to start again. Next was Science. They were learning about geology and rocks.

"Does anyone know what an ingenuous rock is formed from?" Asked Ms Black as a few hands went up. She smiled a crooked smile as Nema called out.
"They're made from cooled lava, and lava is like magma but outside a volcano." Said Nema as Ms Black nodded.
"Exactly Nema. Does anyone know what Sedimentary rocks are made from?" She asked again. Mrs Black scanned the room for some other than Nema.
"Emma." Asked Mrs Black. Emma could feel her face going red as she tried to think. They had learnt about sedimentary rocks last lesson, but she had a guitar lesson half way through. Just as Emma was about to answer Laila piped up.
"They're made from Sediment Emma, remember? It's the easiest one of them all." Whispered Laila in a voice that was way to loud for a whisper. A few girls laughed as Emma just sat there red in the face.
"Exactly Laila. Does anyone know what a metamorphic rock is before we start learning about them?" Asked Ms Black as Isi put her hand up.
"They're formed from sedimentary or ingenuous rocks that have been under hear and pressure." She said smiling. Emma wasn't surprised Isi knew that since she was in the science and invention division at SHINE. It was apart of her basic mountain training.
"Very good Isi." Said Ms Black flatly, looking a bit annoyed as her eyes past Nema and Laila. She turned around to write something on the board.

After Science finished it was time for dance. Emma loved dancing but the assessment was a group dance in front of the whole class. What if I stuff up? Thought Emma as they got into groups to start practicing their dances. Emma was with Isi, Hannah and Eve while Nema and Laila were a duo alone. Nema had been boasting all about her private dance lessons with her amazing aunty who was apparently at championship level.
"I saw this really cool move on tv the other night." Said Eve showing the girls. It was a kind of body roll followed by a few fist pumps and a leap. Eve did it very well. Emma, Hannah and Isi stood next to each other and tried it. First they tried the body roll.  Eve had to correct the a few times before they almost got it. Then they tried the fist pumps which they did perfect. Next they one by one tried the fancy leap. Emma went first. She jumped in the air very high before landing down. As she came down Emma got bumped by someone. As she looked up from the floor she could see Laila smiling.
"Oops sorry Em." She said.
"You should be watching where your going." Said Nema as Hannah helped Emma up.
"Five more minutes." Said Mrs Sipes who was teaching dance this term.
"We don't need the practice, but you look like you might." Said Laila as they walked off.
"Why does she have to be so, so." Said Emma.
"Laila?" Suggested Eve as Emma nodded.
"It's like Nema's given Laila the rights to be mean." Said Isi as they tried the body rolls again. After five minutes just as Mrs Sipes had said the bell rang and everyone left.

-by the way it is set after Ciao EJ-

Friday 28 March 2014

Ej12 tv sum up

So basically, there if definetly ej12 tv coming soon. We don't know if it's live action (actors) or cartoon. I'm personally hopeing cartoon because EJ is already drawn in cartoon so why not make her cartoon?

If it's cartoon I wonder if there will be auditions or it will be picked already or something. If it's auditions and there's some where I live my mum says I'm aloud to! If it's acting there's no way I would do it but I'm sure lots of you would! Anyway, a lots happened in this last week:
1. Found out there's only two more EJ books coming
2. Found out ej12 tv is happening!

Plus main things we know:

3. Eve is on the book 19 cover
4. She's described in book 18

So on. Would you gusy audition if you were aloud to?

EJ12 tv!

Go to and look! It's definite! EJ12 tv! So happy. I feel like screaming in happiness.

I wonder if it will be cartoon or live action with actors. I'm guessing cartoon because most of the shows they make are cartoon. The shows they make are around 6-10 or something like that. I'm still watching it anyway! Some shows they've made:
William and sparkles something... Iv heard of it
(Spelling is prob wrong) figero foes
Early and perky
And other things...

I'm so excited! If it's cartoon and they need voice actors if there's auditions in Brisbane I'm aloud to do it if I'm old enough.
Anyway stay tuned!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Hello agents

Hi guys,
I'm hoping you've have read my last post, it was super important. Anyway, to sum up what was very interesting to me:
There will only be two more ej12 books (not sure if that means including ciao EJ or not)
Susannah said she doesn't know what older readers would want to read. Ok that doenst make much sense, just read her reply :)
EJ with turn 12(making her EJ14) in the last book.

By the way I'm writing an ej12 fan written story. Iv done the first chapter I'm just editing it, it willbe up  shortly.

I had an idea about how she said she would love to hear what older girls would want to read about. Since a lot of us are wishing for ej12 to continue I had an idea. What of we all email her why we love ej12, what would make a good ej14/16 story and why. She said she would love ideas so if we give her some, maybe she would! Post a comment on why you love EJ, why you want EJ14/16 and anything else you want her to see! If I get a few ill email them off to Susannah, she replied last time within a month.

Oh and another interesting thing, Susannah said something about hwo she will write two more, but EJ might gone on more missions later on...
Triple full stops... Hmm. What could that mean?

CL14 out-

Monday 24 March 2014

Susannah answered my email!

Susannah answered my email! Hi Susannah if your reading this. She answered with some spoilers. Also one sad spoiler, EJ will only have two more books! Ok I'm slightly crying. I guess I am getting to that age anyway. Here's the email:

Hi CL14

Thanks so much for all your great questions to Susannah - and we love your blog!

Susannah’s reply is below

Hi CL14

Great questions! I have put my answers under each question. I am so pleased you love EJ12 and it’s fabulous that you want to be an author -all writing need lots of changes - it’s what makes them better! Do let us know when you post your interview!


1. Why did you start writing the ej12 series?

I started writing the first book (I actually wrote JUMP START first and then HOT & COLD but then changed them a bit to make HOT & COLD the first book!) in 2009. I wrote them because I wanted a story about a girl hero for my daughter Emma who was then 9 years old. Emma Jacks is named for my Emma. I wanted to show all girls that it was okay to have worries and doubts - you could still do amazing things!

2. Do you have any one ej12 book you like?

It would be much too hard to pick just one book but I do have a few favourites: I like CHOC SHOCK because of all the bad jokes Isi tells; I like the ancient mystery of PYRAMID PUZZLE; I like how Emma grows in KIMONO CODE (and I love the cherry blossom cover) and I like the suspense of SPOOKED! even thought it scared me a bit while I was writing it late at night!

3. Are Emma's friends based of your daughter Emma's friends?

No, no one in particular. They are more based on the qualities I think best friends should have: kind like Hannah, funny to cheer you up like Isi, reliable like Elle and all loyal.

4. Will Emma ever grow older in the series?

I didn’t want her age to be a focus in the series but I can tell you - and this is a scoop - she will have her 12th birthday in the last book (she has actually had her 11th by Book 18, I just didn’t write about it …)

5. How many books do you intend to write?

I think there will be two more in this series - although she may go on other missions later on ….

6. Do you have anything to say to your readers?

Just that I am so so thrilled that so many girls love EJ. I wrote it for all of you to enjoy and to realise how fabulous you all are!

7. Since you have just started writing a series for younger girls, do you plan on maybe writing some for older readers? Even just one or two. We would all really love that. 

I’m not sure yet. I’d have to think about what older girls might want to read about - would love to hear people’s ideas!

Thanks CL14 for such good questions and good luck with you own writing!

SM50/Susannah out!

Friday 21 March 2014


Hi everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted lately, iv been busy with assessments and other school homework and things. I want be able to post on Saturday and Sunday as far as I know because I'm going to Seaworld! Yay! They don't have whales in this one but I'll see dolphins and other things. It isn't my first time going, last time I went was when I was one or two, but I really don't remember that.

Holidays for me are in three/ two weeks. So excited! Ciao EJ doesn't come out for around three months so I'm trying hard to get that out of my mind so I don't spend lots of time each day checking to see when ciao EJ comes out.  Spy school books 3-4 come out in April.

Have fun guys! I might be able to post about Seaworld.
CL14 out!

Sunday 16 March 2014

Code answer

Hi everyone, this one will be short.
You were all close to the answer but sadly no one got it exact. Yes it was related to Frozen, the answer was Let it go.  I changed the first part of let it go:
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
The snow glowed white everywhere around EJ

See it now? I'll make another one soon.
CL14 out!

Saturday 15 March 2014

And the winner is...

The winner of my story comp is... Worry whales by MB14! Well down MB. Second place goes to EF for her story. I'll be posting them tomorrow. For now here's the interview with MB:

What is your favourite book and why?

Who is your favourite friend of EJ?

What division would you be in?

If you were an agent and went on a mission, what country would you want to go to?

What's your favourite animal?

Anything you want to say to the EJ12 fans?

1) I love secret safari because it has soo much about animals and its so sad. I also like time to shine because Elle leaves and it's also sad and it so fun how Emma rescues the seal and its great info. I also love fashion fraud because it is so fun and I love fashion and Eve comes up!!!! Yippie and I love the story idea. So that's my top
3 but I think I love hmmmm, this is soooo hard! But I love...... Fashion fraud!!!

2) I think I like Emma. She loves animals and in the books I ended up laughing because the things Emma did, I actually did too like (embarrassing! Lol->) in making waves EJ said that bob would call out there's a shark in the pool Emma would come out although she knew it was a pool. My sister does that too me too.... Well actually she DID that to me but not anymore! Lol.

Ok we'll If Emma's friends I think Isi. She likes orange and its my fav color and she is bouncy and always happy like me!
4)I'm a START agent. I made this thing up:
I'm a S.T.A.R.T agent. Surveillance, Terrific Animal Rescue top agent.
5) Queensland! I was born In Queensland but we moved when I was little. I would Love to go there again!
6) my fav animal is meerkats! They are so cute! My fav animal EJ rescued is probably the three adorable poodles! They are just so cute and little and cute! And they are fluffy and did I say cute!
7) Hi EJ fans!!!


Hi everyone!
Ok so the people who entered were:

Ok so you two win! But I have to choose a winner sadly. I'll announce the winner tomorrow but MB which EJ story are you entering Worry whole or the Taco one? Winners will be anounced tomorrow!

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Hi everyone!

Hi guys,
Well the comp end in two days and still no entries. I know some of you are busy writing them and I encourage you to send them in as soon as possible! I might look at earlier ones more highly when I decide which ones win :) just maybe.

Other than that I'm not sure what to say. Susannah doesn't really have many interviews lately so there's nothing new to say. I'm writing my own EJ12 story that I'll post chapter by chapter as soon as the competition is over. Just so you remember, you have to write a paragraph long EJ12 story that can start anywhere in the book. For example:

The snow glowed white everywhere around EJ. As she looked around she couldn't spot any footprints, even hers. There wasn't a single penguin or animal around, it was just her. She had to find the secret shadow base but they weren't giving any clues to where it may be. They were concealing it well.

That's an example. Ok it's probably not my best story ever, I promise I can do way better. But there's a secret hidden it it. I'll give you a hint: the answer is ___ __ __. Whoever answers that first wins being mentioned and interviewed on my blog (basic ej12 questions). I'm sure if you think hard you will be able to figure it out.

I'm trying to figure something out to type. I literally write these as I go. I would tell you about my day and stuff but nothing interesting happened except for sport, where I did volleyball against another school. We lost 1-2. That was how many games we won. I'm going to finish off here and go write my EJ12 story for you guys! I might need help with ideas so feel free to send them in! I'm thinking of my secret at sea one where she goes on board a shadow boat and has to stop them from doing a big whaling expedition.
CL14 out!

Monday 10 March 2014

Ej12 agent names and stuff

Hi everyone!
I though, since lots of agents are gettin confused, I'll explain how the agent names work. Plus I'll write about other things at the end.

How your agent name works is:
Your initials (mine are CL)
Then figure out your age division.
4-5 under 6
6-7 under 8
8-9 under 10
10-11 under 12
12-13 under 14
14-15 under 16
16-17 under 18
After that it goes on and I'm not exactly sure with some books having agents in odd numbers.
Then you add your initials to your age division
Mines CL14

Then you might want to work out your division, here's some main ones:
Code cracker (that's me)
Agent help

So on. This should make your profile and agent ID. Yay!

I'm trying to find some new news for you guys. If you have any questions I can try to answer or find the answer for you. Don't forget to enter my competition, so far no ones entered but I know MB14 is busy writing one. Will she have any competition.
CL14 out!

Sunday 9 March 2014


Hello everyone (again)
Iv decided to join every other EJ blog and make a competition! I can't give you anything in real life but how about having your story on the blog? Here's the comp:

Make a short Ej12 story. It can't be too long but it doesn't have to be a whole book. You have to write a paragraph of either the start or anywhere in the book. EJ could have already started the mission and be facing the villian or facing someone at school. Please please enter this guys!

Oh and MB you can't enter Spied out! It wouldn't be fair.

So your story has to be completely new. Post it as a comment and I'll read it. You have until next Friday.

mention on my blog
Story posted on my blog
Agent of the month! (A box that will go on the right above poll. It will have your agent name and your EJ fan blog if you have one)
Being in my EJ fan story as whatever division you like.

Up to 5 Runners up:
Mention on my blog
Story posted on my blog

Anyone else:
Mention on blog

Please enter it guys! Can't wait to be reading you entries!
CL14 out!

Saturday 8 March 2014

Book date I was wrong!

Thank you MB for setting me straight. Ciao EJ comes out in May, not March! Sorry guys, not three weeks, more like three months. So turns out Ciao EJ will take another while to be released. That's 8 months since Spooked. Is it just me or is this one taking a while? At least we have EJ Spy school coming in April.

Future EJ books

Hi everyone!
I was thinking (a lot since it's hard not to think of something at any point) about the next EJ books. Even if Ciao EJ means GOODBYE EJ it's not the end for EJ12! At the end of Spooked they said that Shine had set up new bases in Italy (ciao EJ),  India and China. Then when I emailed the EJ team I said that there should be a book in India and China and they said Susannah has been thinking about that too! Yay! But I'm hoping that it's the last two books because Susannah said in interviews years ago that she had ideas up to book 20 and would go on for as long as girls want to read them.

So at least we will have two more books after Ciao EJ.  But then they also can't stop because they wanted to make an EJ12 tv show, remember that? But still no news on that, or the EJ app.

I can't wait for CIAO EJ, escpecially since it's not the last one!
Things we know about Ciao EJ:
It's set in Italy
EJ saves three dogs (I'm a cats person so I honestly don't know what type of dog they are, maybe hounds?)
There will be a pizza charm (go to MB14's blog for info on that)
CIAO means Goodbye/hello
Eve's appearence will be announced

There's probably so much more but that's all for now! It comes out on the 28th of March. About three weeks on a Friday. Have fun guys!

CL14 out!

Friday 7 March 2014

EJ by numbers part 1

I'm doing a list of EJ by numbers!!! You'll get what I mean with the facts below:

7 times she wore a headband on a mission

6 times someone else has been on the cover with EJ

5 times EJ has worn black on a mission

4 times EJ12 has worn her uniform on the cover

3 times a cat been on the cover

2 times a monkey has been on a cover

1 time a leopard has been on the the cover

That's all for now. I'm working on the rest. I'm trying to find some news for you guys. For now check out the official blog. MB14's story Spied out! Was just posted. And I'm in it so big thanks to MB14!

I'm trying to write an EJ book but it's hard to make it long enough.

Blogger being annoying

Bloggers been having some problems, that's why the writing is messed up. I'm hoping you can still read it. Thanks whoever commented about that. I'll post again later but right now I'm off to see Frozen again.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Rest of email

When I emailed the team you saw what I asked, but I forgot to include some more that I suggested at the end:

She should rescue a whale GREAT IDEA!
Eve should be shown on a cover. EVE WILL BE ON BOOK 19

So this means there is more books!!! Yay!!! EJ will go to China and India? I'm not surprised because of the end of Spooked. Eve will be on book 19!!! Can't wait to see what she looks like! Ciao EJ comes out in three weeks on the 28th. You know what that means? We can be expecting to see what Eve looks like pretty soon! Any day now actually. I'm going to be checking the official blog ever few hours now. Hmmm. I just remembered, I'm earlier interviews years back susannah said she can think of missions up to book 20. I'm hoping she's gotten more ideas with book 18 coming out now. Could that mean with China and India being books 90% chance. That leaves one more unknown definite book. What country shoudl she go too? I'm still sticking with my idea of saving whales. But is this really the last 1-2 years of EJ12??? Is that even possible? Hey, if Eve is on book 19 then maybe book 19 is all five of them! Imagine that! Wait it can't be the end because they were talking about an EJ12 tv series! EJ12 will live for years on!!!

Tuesday 4 March 2014


Thanks guys for entering the poll so far! I can guess a few people who have put down their answers. I can guess a few regular to sometime visitors like:
MB14 - visit her blog
EF12 - her blog is down the side
HH12 - is on sometimes
SB14 - she's just found out about my blog, even if I did tell her ages ago but I guess I didn't say it loud enough.

By the way whatever division gets the most votes will win division of the month! Next month the poll will be different. What should it be?

Eve news, Nema opinion

Sorry guys, nothing new on Eve. Look at my last two posts if you've missed the huge leak I got form the EJ team when I emailed them. A part I didn't add in the email was that she will be on the cover of book 19. Yay! So now we know! Ciao EJ isn't the last book! So happy.

She's going to be described in ciao EJ so look out for that! As soon as I get ciao EJ I will post about what Eve looks like officially. I myself, imagine her to have long light brown curly hair and green eyes with reddish-brown in the centre. I'm excited!

So Nema has been nice to EJ in the last books. Why? My ideas:
She's trying to become Emma's friend so she can learn about shine. Iv done even more investigating and Nema knows about Emma being in shine. In Pyramid puzzle Caterina mentions about how EJ has lots of secrets, and she said a girl at shadow HQ told her that. Wh do we know that's in shadow and goes to Emma's school? Not Laila, I'm thinking Nema. But Nema would have told Laila.

Ok I just searched up some of Emma's friends names:

Emma: universal

Nema: blessing
Laila: dark night/hair/ so on

Nema and Laila are of Arabic origin. I think they might be related.

Blogger was having issues when I was typing this so if I turns out weird, it was blogger.

Monday 3 March 2014

Eve overview

Ok so basically summed up:
Eve is said Eve as in Christmas Eve. I thought I was said Evie.
She will be described in Ciao EJ
She will be on the cover of the book after Ciao EJ
She likes yellow

I'm so excited! Can't wait for Ciao EJ! And not just for the description of Eve! That means that in between the time of Ciao EJ and the next book we will finally be told the appearance of Eve! I'm personally wanting her to have wavy/curly light brown long hair. Because EJ is blonde, Elle is orange, Isi is dark brown, Hannah is even darker brown and Nema and Laila are black. So what's left? Light brown and an even lighter white. There's actually lighter blondes than EJ in the world, ones in my class at school.

Sunday 2 March 2014


I emailed the team:
1. How do you say Eve? Is it Eve as in Christmas Eve or Evie? AS IN CHRISTMAS EVE

2. Is A1 the head of every shine base? Or just the Melbourne one? I did some investigating and realised EJ lives in Melbourne if you look at places the books are set. SHE IS THE WORLD-WIDE HEAD OF SHINE BUT THE HQ IS IN MELBOURNE

3. How's the EJ app going? Can't wait for it to come out. AARRRRGGHH! WE ARE STILL WAITING TOO - SORRY IT’S TAKING SO LONG!


5. What does Eve look like? YOU’LL FIND OUT IN BOOK 18

Eve will be  announced in book 18!!!

Saturday 1 March 2014

Random post of things

Hello everyone!
Ok as the title suggests this post will be random, again! I'm writing this as I go with not much of any idea of what to write. Oh and by the way I just got back from an over night stay in Caloundra, on the sunshien coast.

So let me see. I'm hoping I'll be able to relate this to EJ.

Well, when I was in Caloundra I didn't see any whales or dolphins sadly. It's been known to see them in Caloundra but not today. We stayed at this place that has its own water park slide things. They're super cool!

Ok here's some EJ things that just popped into my mind:

1. EJ tv show
Still no news of it. I'm thinking of sending another email soon with a few EJ questions. If you want me to ask anything I will.

2. EJ app
It's still not out but it must be in the process of destroying bugs. Bugs is what lots of people call errors in a games code. I can't wait for it on iPad. I have only ever played mission alert once or twice. Looks so cool!

3. Animals
In the EJ books what animals do you want her to rescue next? I'm hoping for a whale, guinea pig, another cat or even something like a bird.

What else, hmmm. Wouldn't it be cool if shine was real? Kids saving the world. But one thing make sme wonder, well realistically more than one but right now, I'll onky write one. If A1 is the leader of the Melbourne shine base(look at my last post if you haven't already) who is in control of every other base? She gets to HQ very fast so I'm guessing it's under Melbourne. Who operates the WA, SA, TAS, NT, NSW and last but my favourite QLD? We know that Elle's mum runs the London base but what about teg other countries? Is A1 the main leader or is there more? Well, I might email the EJ team that.

If you have nay questions. Send them fast because I'm emailing the team soon.
Btw nit sure how many if you play Minecraft(I do, hehe) but they're making a minecraft movie.