Wednesday 12 March 2014

Hi everyone!

Hi guys,
Well the comp end in two days and still no entries. I know some of you are busy writing them and I encourage you to send them in as soon as possible! I might look at earlier ones more highly when I decide which ones win :) just maybe.

Other than that I'm not sure what to say. Susannah doesn't really have many interviews lately so there's nothing new to say. I'm writing my own EJ12 story that I'll post chapter by chapter as soon as the competition is over. Just so you remember, you have to write a paragraph long EJ12 story that can start anywhere in the book. For example:

The snow glowed white everywhere around EJ. As she looked around she couldn't spot any footprints, even hers. There wasn't a single penguin or animal around, it was just her. She had to find the secret shadow base but they weren't giving any clues to where it may be. They were concealing it well.

That's an example. Ok it's probably not my best story ever, I promise I can do way better. But there's a secret hidden it it. I'll give you a hint: the answer is ___ __ __. Whoever answers that first wins being mentioned and interviewed on my blog (basic ej12 questions). I'm sure if you think hard you will be able to figure it out.

I'm trying to figure something out to type. I literally write these as I go. I would tell you about my day and stuff but nothing interesting happened except for sport, where I did volleyball against another school. We lost 1-2. That was how many games we won. I'm going to finish off here and go write my EJ12 story for you guys! I might need help with ideas so feel free to send them in! I'm thinking of my secret at sea one where she goes on board a shadow boat and has to stop them from doing a big whaling expedition.
CL14 out!


  1. Ice. I'm guessing this is the answer to the code.

  2. I tried entering day sago but it won't work so here is my entry for the comp:
    It's called taco trouble
    "Look at all of this chemicals being put into the tomatoes", thought EJ as she crept into the secret salsa room. Shadow was poisoning the taco salsa with a chemical to make people want to buy more tacos. Emma went to the carnival with Isi and Isi ate one taco and got poisoned. "Oh no, that's why Isi got poisoned", said EJ a little too loud. "Well look what we found, a spy, we shall use her to work in the factory and betray shine", but just then someone grabbed EJ and sprayed her with a hypnotizing potion. CHEEP CHEEP, it was the injured bird that was in EJ'a pocket. Shadow put the bird in a cage. From MB!

  3. I think the code is:
    Conceal don't feel

    From MB

  4. Frozen,Anna,Ice,Disney
    these are my guesses for the code.
