Saturday 29 March 2014

Secret at sea chapter 1

Here's my ej12 fan story, it still has some mistakes. It was on the ej12 blog too.

Chapter 1
Sitting at her desk Emma quietly tapped her pencil. This terms new maths was a whole lot more complicated.
(5x4) + (9x6) + (20-13)
Her teacher also wanted her to write out all her working. It's just big numbers. She thought to herself as she worked it out. 5x4 is 20 and 9x6 is 54. 20+54 is... 74. Half the question done. Emma thought as she write it down.
"Emma." Whispered Isi from her left.
"What?" Asked Emma as Isi smiled.
"How come the pirates couldn't play a game of cards?" Asked Isi.
"I don't know."
"Because they were standing on the deck!" She whispered back, laughing silently at her own joke. Isi always made her feel better. Emma just smiled and turned back to her paper.
Quickly she wrote out the answer and sighed in relief.
Getting up she started walking to the front of the classroom to hand in her test. She passed Hannah and then Nema. Quickly she placed her sheet on Ms Tenga's desk and started walking back the way she came. Emma was the first one done as usual. On her way back as she walked she felt her ankle collide with something, or someone. With a loud bang in the quiet classroom she landed on the floor, stopping herself from getting to hurt. Some girls started laughing as Emma got up. A foot from the desk to the left suddenly slid away.
"Are you ok Emma?" Asked Ms Tenga and Emma just nodded.
"Oops, sorry Emz." Said Nema putting on her sweetest face. Emma hated when she called her that. Quickly and quietly she rushed to her seat and opened her activity book. Why does Nema have to be so mean? Thought Emma as some more people started finishing.

Eventually the whole class was done and it was morning tea time. Eve, Hannah and Isi all linked arms with Emma as they walked out to the seating area.
"That wasn't very nice of Nema." Said Hannah once they sat down.
"Why does she always have to be mean?" Asked Eve as they started eating. Emma stayed silent as she looked over to the lockers. Nema and Laila were standing there talking to Mrs Black. A chill slid down Emma's spin as she looked back at her friends. Hannah must have noticed Emma watching them.
"They don't know anything." Whispered Hannah leaning over.
"I guess so." Replied Emma.

 She understood what Hannah meant. They were all secret agents for SHINE anyway. Nema and Laila had joined SHADOW recently. Emma couldn't be sure if they knew she was in SHINE but she knew they were in SHADOW.

"Back to important things." Said Isi."Are you all coming to the Fair on the weekend? There's going to be games and prizes."
"My mum said I could come." Replied Hannah.
"Me too." Said Eve.
"What about you Emma?" Asked Isi. Emma had been busy watching Nema and Laila who would occasionally look over at them with Ms Black.
"Hmm, yes I can come." She replied and Isi smiled.
"Since were eleven now we can go on the bigger rides." Said Isi who loved the big slides for eleven year olds and up. Bigger rides. Scarier rides. Thought Emma but she shook the thought away.
"I hope we can go on the giant bouncing pillow they bring, it springs you so high!" Said Eve as she started drinking her popper.

Emma looked over at Laila and Nema. Now Ms Black was gone and it was just them talking and watching the girls occasionally. She felt like she was being watched. Mainly because it seemed like she was. Suddenly the bell went signalling for class to start again. Next was Science. They were learning about geology and rocks.

"Does anyone know what an ingenuous rock is formed from?" Asked Ms Black as a few hands went up. She smiled a crooked smile as Nema called out.
"They're made from cooled lava, and lava is like magma but outside a volcano." Said Nema as Ms Black nodded.
"Exactly Nema. Does anyone know what Sedimentary rocks are made from?" She asked again. Mrs Black scanned the room for some other than Nema.
"Emma." Asked Mrs Black. Emma could feel her face going red as she tried to think. They had learnt about sedimentary rocks last lesson, but she had a guitar lesson half way through. Just as Emma was about to answer Laila piped up.
"They're made from Sediment Emma, remember? It's the easiest one of them all." Whispered Laila in a voice that was way to loud for a whisper. A few girls laughed as Emma just sat there red in the face.
"Exactly Laila. Does anyone know what a metamorphic rock is before we start learning about them?" Asked Ms Black as Isi put her hand up.
"They're formed from sedimentary or ingenuous rocks that have been under hear and pressure." She said smiling. Emma wasn't surprised Isi knew that since she was in the science and invention division at SHINE. It was apart of her basic mountain training.
"Very good Isi." Said Ms Black flatly, looking a bit annoyed as her eyes past Nema and Laila. She turned around to write something on the board.

After Science finished it was time for dance. Emma loved dancing but the assessment was a group dance in front of the whole class. What if I stuff up? Thought Emma as they got into groups to start practicing their dances. Emma was with Isi, Hannah and Eve while Nema and Laila were a duo alone. Nema had been boasting all about her private dance lessons with her amazing aunty who was apparently at championship level.
"I saw this really cool move on tv the other night." Said Eve showing the girls. It was a kind of body roll followed by a few fist pumps and a leap. Eve did it very well. Emma, Hannah and Isi stood next to each other and tried it. First they tried the body roll.  Eve had to correct the a few times before they almost got it. Then they tried the fist pumps which they did perfect. Next they one by one tried the fancy leap. Emma went first. She jumped in the air very high before landing down. As she came down Emma got bumped by someone. As she looked up from the floor she could see Laila smiling.
"Oops sorry Em." She said.
"You should be watching where your going." Said Nema as Hannah helped Emma up.
"Five more minutes." Said Mrs Sipes who was teaching dance this term.
"We don't need the practice, but you look like you might." Said Laila as they walked off.
"Why does she have to be so, so." Said Emma.
"Laila?" Suggested Eve as Emma nodded.
"It's like Nema's given Laila the rights to be mean." Said Isi as they tried the body rolls again. After five minutes just as Mrs Sipes had said the bell rang and everyone left.

-by the way it is set after Ciao EJ-

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