Sunday 9 March 2014


Hello everyone (again)
Iv decided to join every other EJ blog and make a competition! I can't give you anything in real life but how about having your story on the blog? Here's the comp:

Make a short Ej12 story. It can't be too long but it doesn't have to be a whole book. You have to write a paragraph of either the start or anywhere in the book. EJ could have already started the mission and be facing the villian or facing someone at school. Please please enter this guys!

Oh and MB you can't enter Spied out! It wouldn't be fair.

So your story has to be completely new. Post it as a comment and I'll read it. You have until next Friday.

mention on my blog
Story posted on my blog
Agent of the month! (A box that will go on the right above poll. It will have your agent name and your EJ fan blog if you have one)
Being in my EJ fan story as whatever division you like.

Up to 5 Runners up:
Mention on my blog
Story posted on my blog

Anyone else:
Mention on blog

Please enter it guys! Can't wait to be reading you entries!
CL14 out!


  1. Hey CL14, i made up an EJ vamp version kinda weird, i know, this is from Rose's view. It's RS12

    ‘Hey, Jaz!' I yelled across the playground. ‘Come over here’ Jaz ran over to me.

    ‘What’s up?’ She asked me.

    ‘I need to show you something, come to the bathroom with me?’


    We ran to the bathroom, I checked that no one else was there. ‘What did you wanna show me?’ She asked impatiently.

    ‘Well, i've been thinking and if you want i'll make you a vampire finally'

    ‘YES PLEASE!' she said. Looking as if she was about to do a triple backflip.

    ‘Ok, close your eyes’ she closed her eyes. I brushed her hair away from her face and brushed my fangs across her neck and bit. I then ran my hands down her hair. She turned around and looked at me, then the mirror, her long, curly, red hair had turned black and straight, her tanned skin was pale, her eyes went from green to black, her teeth straight and pointy. ‘How do you like your new look?’ she started smiling.

    ‘I love it’

    ‘Good’ the school bell rang. ‘Come on, we’re going to Ghoul Mall’

    We ran to the mall hoping no one saw us using our vampire speed. When we arrived we went to my favourite shop, Ghouls Rule, we picked out a glamorous black and purple corset with a mini black skirt and knee high black boots. I even found a Bat’s R Us hair clip. We went to my house (I live alone, my parents died when I was 6) and hung out. 30 minutes after, we went back to Ghoul Mall to grab a bite and get some more clothes.
    10 minutes later...
    PING! PING! I checked my phone, Jaz nodded at me, we rushed to the bathroom, checked no one was there and 5 minutes after, I ended up in the code room, sorry I forgot to mention, I'm RS12 secret agent and biting code cracker (i don't really bite).

    There was a note on a desk.
    Vampire slaying has come, time expose VAMPS STAKES will rule GV

  2. Itvwas supposed to cone out like this at the end

    There was a note on the deak
    Vampire slaying time has come
    Time to expose VAMPS
    STAKES will rule

  3. Sorry accidently pressed wrong letters it was
