Monday 24 March 2014

Susannah answered my email!

Susannah answered my email! Hi Susannah if your reading this. She answered with some spoilers. Also one sad spoiler, EJ will only have two more books! Ok I'm slightly crying. I guess I am getting to that age anyway. Here's the email:

Hi CL14

Thanks so much for all your great questions to Susannah - and we love your blog!

Susannah’s reply is below

Hi CL14

Great questions! I have put my answers under each question. I am so pleased you love EJ12 and it’s fabulous that you want to be an author -all writing need lots of changes - it’s what makes them better! Do let us know when you post your interview!


1. Why did you start writing the ej12 series?

I started writing the first book (I actually wrote JUMP START first and then HOT & COLD but then changed them a bit to make HOT & COLD the first book!) in 2009. I wrote them because I wanted a story about a girl hero for my daughter Emma who was then 9 years old. Emma Jacks is named for my Emma. I wanted to show all girls that it was okay to have worries and doubts - you could still do amazing things!

2. Do you have any one ej12 book you like?

It would be much too hard to pick just one book but I do have a few favourites: I like CHOC SHOCK because of all the bad jokes Isi tells; I like the ancient mystery of PYRAMID PUZZLE; I like how Emma grows in KIMONO CODE (and I love the cherry blossom cover) and I like the suspense of SPOOKED! even thought it scared me a bit while I was writing it late at night!

3. Are Emma's friends based of your daughter Emma's friends?

No, no one in particular. They are more based on the qualities I think best friends should have: kind like Hannah, funny to cheer you up like Isi, reliable like Elle and all loyal.

4. Will Emma ever grow older in the series?

I didn’t want her age to be a focus in the series but I can tell you - and this is a scoop - she will have her 12th birthday in the last book (she has actually had her 11th by Book 18, I just didn’t write about it …)

5. How many books do you intend to write?

I think there will be two more in this series - although she may go on other missions later on ….

6. Do you have anything to say to your readers?

Just that I am so so thrilled that so many girls love EJ. I wrote it for all of you to enjoy and to realise how fabulous you all are!

7. Since you have just started writing a series for younger girls, do you plan on maybe writing some for older readers? Even just one or two. We would all really love that. 

I’m not sure yet. I’d have to think about what older girls might want to read about - would love to hear people’s ideas!

Thanks CL14 for such good questions and good luck with you own writing!

SM50/Susannah out!


  1. :( I'm so happy and sad. I can't wait for book 20, I bet you there will be a birthday book and Emma turns 12!!!! Last books..... I'm going to cry. So happy and sad!!!!!! :( :) from MB P.S even if its nt about EJ12, we will still be friends and chat! :)

  2. Cool questions I love your blogs Mb and CL14!!!!!
