Tuesday 4 March 2014

Eve news, Nema opinion

Sorry guys, nothing new on Eve. Look at my last two posts if you've missed the huge leak I got form the EJ team when I emailed them. A part I didn't add in the email was that she will be on the cover of book 19. Yay! So now we know! Ciao EJ isn't the last book! So happy.

She's going to be described in ciao EJ so look out for that! As soon as I get ciao EJ I will post about what Eve looks like officially. I myself, imagine her to have long light brown curly hair and green eyes with reddish-brown in the centre. I'm excited!

So Nema has been nice to EJ in the last books. Why? My ideas:
She's trying to become Emma's friend so she can learn about shine. Iv done even more investigating and Nema knows about Emma being in shine. In Pyramid puzzle Caterina mentions about how EJ has lots of secrets, and she said a girl at shadow HQ told her that. Wh do we know that's in shadow and goes to Emma's school? Not Laila, I'm thinking Nema. But Nema would have told Laila.

Ok I just searched up some of Emma's friends names:

Emma: universal

Nema: blessing
Laila: dark night/hair/ so on

Nema and Laila are of Arabic origin. I think they might be related.

Blogger was having issues when I was typing this so if I turns out weird, it was blogger.

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