Saturday 15 March 2014

And the winner is...

The winner of my story comp is... Worry whales by MB14! Well down MB. Second place goes to EF for her story. I'll be posting them tomorrow. For now here's the interview with MB:

What is your favourite book and why?

Who is your favourite friend of EJ?

What division would you be in?

If you were an agent and went on a mission, what country would you want to go to?

What's your favourite animal?

Anything you want to say to the EJ12 fans?

1) I love secret safari because it has soo much about animals and its so sad. I also like time to shine because Elle leaves and it's also sad and it so fun how Emma rescues the seal and its great info. I also love fashion fraud because it is so fun and I love fashion and Eve comes up!!!! Yippie and I love the story idea. So that's my top
3 but I think I love hmmmm, this is soooo hard! But I love...... Fashion fraud!!!

2) I think I like Emma. She loves animals and in the books I ended up laughing because the things Emma did, I actually did too like (embarrassing! Lol->) in making waves EJ said that bob would call out there's a shark in the pool Emma would come out although she knew it was a pool. My sister does that too me too.... Well actually she DID that to me but not anymore! Lol.

Ok we'll If Emma's friends I think Isi. She likes orange and its my fav color and she is bouncy and always happy like me!
4)I'm a START agent. I made this thing up:
I'm a S.T.A.R.T agent. Surveillance, Terrific Animal Rescue top agent.
5) Queensland! I was born In Queensland but we moved when I was little. I would Love to go there again!
6) my fav animal is meerkats! They are so cute! My fav animal EJ rescued is probably the three adorable poodles! They are just so cute and little and cute! And they are fluffy and did I say cute!
7) Hi EJ fans!!!

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