Friday 28 March 2014

Ej12 tv sum up

So basically, there if definetly ej12 tv coming soon. We don't know if it's live action (actors) or cartoon. I'm personally hopeing cartoon because EJ is already drawn in cartoon so why not make her cartoon?

If it's cartoon I wonder if there will be auditions or it will be picked already or something. If it's auditions and there's some where I live my mum says I'm aloud to! If it's acting there's no way I would do it but I'm sure lots of you would! Anyway, a lots happened in this last week:
1. Found out there's only two more EJ books coming
2. Found out ej12 tv is happening!

Plus main things we know:

3. Eve is on the book 19 cover
4. She's described in book 18

So on. Would you gusy audition if you were aloud to?

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