Saturday 29 March 2014

Secret at sea and other things

Hello everyone!
My last post was my chapter 1 of secret at sea, my ej12 FAN made story. Iv actually finished it but it's being posted chapter by chapter on the official ej12 blog :)

In other ej12 related things. I can't remember where I saw it but I read somewhere about Susannah wanting to write two other series for girls. Again, I can't remember where I read it or how it was but anyway, something to put out there.

I'm so excited for an ej12 tv show. Apparently it takes a year or two before it will be on tv sadly. Lots of us will have grown by then, myself included. But I would probably still watch it, I'm not into the violent thinsg most of my friends read that are for 18yr olds that they read before they're even a teen. I'm more into books like ej12 that are spies and secret agents. Not many books for me are right and I'm in the same boat as a few people I know. Ej12 luckily is one of the books I love for that. Maybe that's why I write many of my own stories of spies and secret agents.

I just remembered something. The first time I ever read an ej12 book was at this book store at a shopping centre. I went there often and normally just looked at the books and pulled them out and looked at the drawings, so once I picked up in the dark and read a bit. My Mum asked if I wanted to get it since my brother was getting a book so I said yes and iv loved it ever since.

What are your ej12 stories? I'd love to hear some. Sometimes blogging feels like your blogging to no one but I know people read these posts and find them helpful.
CL14 out! :)


  1. Well CL, I personally am a HUGE blog fan! I love ur blog and continue to read it as soon as its posted! So even if it sometimes feels like on my blog I'm only posting a blog to about two people I know that people actually enjoy blog poss just like I LOOOOOVE blogging and listening to blog posts! I would even make a blog site about myself but It would be too risky! This is just like a diary but a online diary! So it may feel like no one is commenting or seeing ur blog but I love ur blog!!! From MB!

  2. And also it's kinda annoying commenting because u have to add ur login name and verification code whether on my blog u can just add ur name not even email. It's probably for blogger at least u can comment anyway. The fort time I saw ej12 was when I was about 10 or 9 an in grade 4 we had lots of books in our classroom. Everyday we had 'reading time' and I couldn't find a good book to read or a book that I liked. One day my friend asked me if I har read this book called ' EJ12 ' and she said read it. So I picked up ON THE BALL and I didn't understand it and I didn't know who EJ12 or what CC12 was and what a shine camp was so I put the book down.... :( I then found another ej12 book an it looked more appealing so I started reading it and I ten realized that it was a spy series and it wa part of ON THE BALL and so I borrowed lots of ej12 books and here I am, reading a ej12 fan blog!

  3. I am OBSESSED with EJ12 and ur blog!!!!!
