Saturday 8 March 2014

Future EJ books

Hi everyone!
I was thinking (a lot since it's hard not to think of something at any point) about the next EJ books. Even if Ciao EJ means GOODBYE EJ it's not the end for EJ12! At the end of Spooked they said that Shine had set up new bases in Italy (ciao EJ),  India and China. Then when I emailed the EJ team I said that there should be a book in India and China and they said Susannah has been thinking about that too! Yay! But I'm hoping that it's the last two books because Susannah said in interviews years ago that she had ideas up to book 20 and would go on for as long as girls want to read them.

So at least we will have two more books after Ciao EJ.  But then they also can't stop because they wanted to make an EJ12 tv show, remember that? But still no news on that, or the EJ app.

I can't wait for CIAO EJ, escpecially since it's not the last one!
Things we know about Ciao EJ:
It's set in Italy
EJ saves three dogs (I'm a cats person so I honestly don't know what type of dog they are, maybe hounds?)
There will be a pizza charm (go to MB14's blog for info on that)
CIAO means Goodbye/hello
Eve's appearence will be announced

There's probably so much more but that's all for now! It comes out on the 28th of March. About three weeks on a Friday. Have fun guys!

CL14 out!

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