Tuesday 30 December 2014

Update on comps

For all the comps you create your own ej12 blurbs and stories and stuff. So for the blurb one make a blurb for an ej12 story you made up not a real book one

Sunday 28 December 2014


Hello people!

First up to AK10: yeah sure you can interview people, it's just interviewing not my idea since people do it

Anyway I've got a few New Years competitions! If you enter them today (31st) you get 10 points on shining stars for just commenting (unless you have already commented). 

First up let me explain the ways of entering:
1. Contacting me 
-------- Use the new contact me form on the right hand side to message me, I won't do anything with you adress or even reply to it. 
2. Comment
-------- Go into comments below the post and put youself as anonymous and comment your agent name in your comment. There's another way but I can't remember...



1. Story 
You write an EJ12 story that is either:
--- Short Story
--- Part of the story (can be anywhere, school or on mission or anything)
--- Chapter (one chapter from the story, sort of like part) 
--- Blurb (needs to be good one to win)
--- Something else that's creative
Winner - 20 | Second - 15 | Third - 10 | Anyone else - 5 |

2. Charm 
Design a charm that could help any shine agent on a mission, be as creative as possible 
1st = 15, anyone else 5

3. Heart Charm 
Create a Heart Charm Message 
1st = 15, anyone else 5


Please enter those competitions, or else it will just be one person ending up with 50 points before easter!!! I'm trying to make the winnings small so it can be more fair this coming year.


Happy 2015!!! 

Thursday 25 December 2014

Interview with SB14 & RW14

Hello everyone,
In this post im going to be interviewing two of my friends who are ej12 fans, RW14 & SB14, because why not? My questions are in bold and their answers are below.

What if your favourite colour?
SB14: Aqua
RW14: Green

Who if your favourite singer?
SB14: Taylor Swift
RW14: Taylor Swift

If you could be a spy, would you?
SB14: Yes (I am a spy)
RW14: Yes, I would probally try and make gadgets 

What's your favourite ej12 book?
SB14: Rocky Road
RW14: Time to Shine

Who is your favourite ej12 character and why?
SB14: Emma because she always gets through challenges
RW14: My Favourite Ej12 character is EJ because she is so nice and the leader of the group

On a scale of 1 being dislike, 3 being i like them and 5 being obsessed where do you think you sit on liking ej12?
SB14: 4

There's the Interview done. Also here are their avatars:
Thanks for reading and shout out to RW and SB who are probally going to read this...
CL14 out

(Remember anyone who comments before January 1st gets 10 shining star points) 

About Me

Happy Boxing Day (if you're reading this later then happy random day)(if yoru re in another country then merry day)

So I realised I've never done an about me post, some of your might not even know my agent name (CL14) so here's a short post:

Agent name: CL14
Name: not telling... But it's like: C_____ L________ 
Favourite colour: Rose (hot pink)
Age: 12-13
Favourite number: 26...
Favourite subject(s): computers/art/music/english
Agent division: im good at code cracking BUT me as a feild agent like that wouldn't be good... Maybe Surveilence then? Iv played hide and seek and hidden in a cupboard for at least 20 minutes after everyone else was found. I'm not sure...
Country: Australia
City: Brisbane (QLD)
Ej12 books I have: all of the published ones
Favourite one: can't choose one, maybe Pyramid Puzzle or Spooked... But then there's IJ the dark, on the ball, Christmas countdown, chock shock, Ciao EJ... Yeah that's really hard.
Competitions won: 1 I guess... I got a signed copy of Ciao Ej for doing a blog interview with the ej12 team?
Pets: a 4 year old cat called Misty, she's multicoloured... Not sure what breed...
Ej12 fan friends: ok the ones I know in real life are SB14 and RW14 who read ej12 as well, my other friends don't...

So yeah, that's a bit about me! Also I have a few surprises for the new year... Also you may have noticed iv changed how my blog looks, what do you think? I'll keep it like that for now at least then I might change it if it gets annoying...

That's all for today!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas agents!
Got time to post today, yay! 
Nothing much ej12 related but mainly the weird stuff I did last night.

So we set up our tent inside upstairs (there's room for it and it's a proper camping one we've nerver used outside) and brought my brother(10) and my mattresses inside it. That's where we slept last night (Christmas Eve) but before that we went christmas lights driving, going through suburbs for lit up houses (also driving past my friends house) 

Anyway, last night my brother and I stayed up for a while, hunting santa-
(my agent name is CL14, so I'm 12-13, but I don't know to how young kids read my blog, so older agents,you might get what I'm saying... Maybe) 
-using an app but he stayed in New Zealand while we were awake. So we didn't stay awake until he 'arrived'. But we still stayed up.

Then in the morning my brother woke me at 5:00AM!!! But I didn't mind since there were presents awaiting. I got some money for books and:
Shine hoodie! It's a little too big but that's good so I can grow into it more! It's very warm so I'll wait till winter to wear it more. I also got some Nerf Rebelle stuff, nail polish and music album

So how was your Christmas? I read all comments and I'll reply in the next post to any questions... Actually why don't I do a question and answers post? I'll do that some time soon...

How about in Christmas spirit ANYONE who comments before January 1st gets 10 shining star points? 

See you soon!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Merry Christmas all!

Merry Christmas! 
It's Christmas Eve but I won't be able to post it tomorrow soo...

M E R R Y      C H R I S T M A S       F R O M    C L 14 

From CL14

Sunday 14 December 2014


Welcome agents one and all,
Today we celebrate the achievements of shine agents. 

Let us start off today by saying, congratulations everyone who participated. You may have already skimmed down to see the certificate (which isn't that great) and who the winner was. But in any case, use keep reading. 

First of all let us thank third place, AK10! She reached a score of 20 by winning a few competitions! Congratulations AK10! She also has a blog, which the link to can be found on the right hand side of the blog.

Tying with AK10 came...EF14 on 20 points as well! She too has a blog and has answered some questions on the blog. 

In second place was... MB14! Her score ending up on 60! Congrats MB! She has answered many, many questions and won many times, not always getting the top points. Her blog is on teh right hand side.

Finally... The moment you have been waiting for... The winner is...

*Dramatic drum roll*
HH14 ended up with exactly 100 points! Well done HH! Your efforts have paid off. Her blog, http://ej12fansrule.blogspot.co.nz, is worth checking out. Also HH14, just to let you know that on your new blog it says you need a Google plus account and many people aren't aloud one so maybe change that... Or not many people will be commenting ;)

Your certificate is below!
It's pretty ruff but it's still cool enough I think. Your name will now be put into the shining stars hall of fame! Also the first competition for the new shining stars is:

How many ej12 books are there (not counting false note)?

Anyone who answers that question get 10 points. 

Thank you,

Friday 12 December 2014

Shining Stars Update

Hello ej12 fans!
Christmas is coming and change is in the air! A few new changes and announcements are coming to the blog including:
  - shining stars has been taken off as a surprise 
  - winner receives online certificate and entry into the hall of fame
  - other placers will be mentioned
- Some new Blog Layout features
  - it's going to be a surprise! Going to be updated right after this post
Features for next year:
  - Shining Stars will return, being awarded half way through next year
  - Possible Team Shining Stars points (depends on amount of agents wanting to)
  - Other features that will be a surprise!

So what do you guys think? Also the shining stars 'ceremony' will take place on Monday! 
Also don't forget to check out www.ej12fanbooks.weebly.com !
See you Monday!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Stopping Review Challenge

Iv been too busy lately so I won't be able to continue my christmas challenge :(
But I may start again after Christmas or something... That's all


Super exciting news!
First up the back cover of False note has been revealed on the EJ offical blog. 
It says:
When priceless violins are stolen from a music covetorium, shine suspect evil agency shadow is ochastrating something big. But how did the thief just walk out without anyone stopping her?
Special agent ej12 and the star team must work in concert to find out
Thast the easy part as ej12, emma jacks can do anything
So why does she find doing her school passion project so hard?
Sounds aweosme! Also the charms on the back have been revealed! First is a violin charm, second glasses, third fireworks and finally the heart charm.
I'm guessing the violin charm is the only from the front cover
The glasses charm might be a disguise charm?
Fireworks charm... That will be interesting, maybe some sort of sound or distraction charm? 
Heart charm... Well we all know what that does!
But what is a passion project? Anyone know? If so please comment. Is it like random act of kindness? I'll go google it ;)

Day 3 ~ In the Dark

So this review is on In the Dark which was actually my first EVER ej12 book! 

Mini blurb: 
Something is stopping the shine solar plant from producing energy yet it seems to still be running? Is shadow up to it? It's EJ job to find out.
Emma is nervous about going to a sleepover at a friends house since it's got a spooky fear. Will she beat her fear of the dark?

I really like this book. Iv reread it so many times but I can never get enough of it. Teh mystery of it confused me the first time as I tried to work out the answer in my mind. Also the fact that she's afraid if the dark stuck with me until I got over the fear myself. So I'm going to rate it:
4/5 stars! 

That's all for now,
I'm worried I may not post tomorrow (im going to school for a special computers program thingy and after school to the Apple Store for hour of code(we learn coding stuff))

Sunday 7 December 2014

Day 2 ~ Jump Start

Hello Shiny fans,
So today's review is on Jump Start! 

Mini blurb: 
In Jump Start, Shadow are cutting down the rainforest, endangering many innocent animals. It's up to EJ to stop the machines and save the animals.
But at home as Emma, she is having trouble getting the courage to do big jumps on the beam.

What I thought: 
Jump Start was one of Emma's more dangerous missions I'd say, I mean, she's in the Amazon Jungle! The Amazon still has never been fully explored before, new animals still being discovered there. But back to EJ12. 

Her at home problem is very realistic. Iv never done gymnastics (unless you count doing it as a 4 year old) but when my brother did it for a while I got to play around on some equipment, like the beam. If you don't do gymnastics you probaly don't realise how scary jumps would be. I mean, your jumping up on a thin beam where if you jump wrong you'll fall off, or not land correctly and end up, erm, sitting on the beam. So her fear is very understandable to me. On her mission she's sent into the jungle to find where shadow is cutting down trees and stop them. I won't spoil anything but it's worth reading. 


That's my Jump Start review done! In the dark tomorrow (which I might add is in my top 5 favourites)!
I'm also designing a new competition for points, so stay tuned, it's gonna be good. And look out for a new collage I sent to the EJ team, you might spot youself!
See you tomorrow
P.s look what the team said:

Saturday 6 December 2014

Day 1 ~ Hot & Cold

Hello Agents,
Today I will be reviewing the first book (Hot & Cold) for my Christmas Challenge (post below for details)

<><> REVIEW <><>
In Hot and Cold EJ is sent to Antartica on a mission to find out who is melting the polar ice caps. Her mission is to find out how, who, why and how to stop it. But Back home as Emma, she is having difficulty deciding if she should go to Nema's party. 

What I thought:
The story is quite interesting and the puzzles good. I think iv read Hot and Cold the most out of all my books, because I was going to make a film with my friends. I'm not exactly sure what to say about this book without spoiling much but I will say that the story did have me guessing. 

Stars: 3/5


That was a really short review, I promise others will be longer, escpecially my favourite ones ;)
Also with the picture at the very top you may have noticed that Hot & Colds cover is outlined in pink. At the beginning of every review I'll post that picture and outline the book im reviewing in pink and colour red the ones already done. Also is anyone else doing these reviews? Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments

All for now
Jump Start Tomorrow
CL14 out

EJ stuff

Heya agents,
It's holidays where I am! *party starts* but I think some of you may have one more week or two? 

So I was looking back at a post on the ej12 blog from April this year about someone's questions to teh team. I'll be talking about that soon but first...

<><><><><><>My Christmas Challenge<><><><><><>
<>                                                                                         <>
<>In the days leading up to Christmas (starting today)    <>
<>you read one ej12 book every day (or two days, your   <>
<>choice) so by Christmas you have read the whole        <>
<>series. If you don't own the whole series you can         <>
<>just read what you have!                                                    <>
<><><><><><>Merry Christmas<><><><><><><><>

So feel free to do that challenge if you like. I'm going a little farther and trying to do a review every day! So stay tuned for those reviews! And if your an EJ blogger then feel free to also do the reviews and post them on your blogs, if you like. You could even copy and paste the little info thingy above in bold.

Now to the question thing. This is what it said and I'll put extra notes below in italics.

1. When will EJ TV come out? It’s OK if you don’t know.

The producers are only just starting to work on it but they think 2016 (it takes a while to make 26 episodes!)

CL14: 2016 is just over a year away! Not too long to wait! I'll be turning 15 O.O but I'm still liking EJ12 now so hopefully I will then.

2. What channel will EJ TV come out on? Will it be foxtel? ( i’m not aloud foxtel!)

It’s too early to say for sure but we hope both free to air and pay-TV

CL14: that's good, I personally have free tv and many of us do.

3. Will the people who got their name in a book be in the cartoon?

Not necessarily (sorry!) – Susannah will be working with the TV writers as the stories will change a bit (and have more added) for the TV – we think it will be really exciting to see how EJ changes for TV – but, of course, she will still be out EJ!

CL14: good thing here is that Susannah will be working with the writers! Iv seen films where the author doesn't work with the directors, so they film makers can do whatever they like, and the film ends up TERRIBLE. But Susannah's working with them so it's ok!

4. Will the cartoon be based on the books?

Yes but there will be more missions and other new things too!

CL14: this open is confusing if you think deeply about it. Does it mean the tv show will be based off a books mission? I don't think so because they said 26 episodes so maybe new missions? I really hope they will use the same shadow agents in the show. It's all so exciting! Congrats Susannah though.

5. Will there be movies of EJ12?

How cool would that be! There are no plans yet but you never know!

CL14: heaps of people say this would be cool. I wouldn't be surprised if after the shows first season of something they make an EJ12 film. Imagine that, EJ12: the Movie. Would be really cool.


Thats all for now! But make sure to tune in the following days for reviews! Also new shining star competitions! Remember that at Christmas the winner will receive a virtual certificate and get into the shining stars hall of fame! So far HH14 is in the lead, but can anyone beat her?


Friday 28 November 2014

EJ spy school - Speedy Spy

The next EJ spy school book has popped up online and it's called SPEEDY SPY 
That's the best cover photo I could find sadly, but doenst it look cool! I mean, she's riding a bike, which by the looks of it seems to be a hover bike. Plus there's a cockatoo in the background, awesome.


Thursday 27 November 2014

Keyboard code (part 2)

Here's part 2 of the keyboard code! 

This part is about how to do numbers in this code.
For numbers you need to make dots at each point, just so it's more obvious.
Below is the number 12 and then 14

But those are easy numbers. If you have a longer number, say 279, you just have to make more dots and lines if you get what I mean.

But if it's a number tagt doubles back like below
You just have to do like how I have. The number above is 156051

I might post some codes later using this for shining star points, which the winner will be announced about mid December. 
So for now, here's a mini Comp worth points if you answer correctly.

1. I have brown eyes
2. My hair is short
3. My eyes match my hair
4. I am short
5. My hair is dark brown
1 & 2 are both true for two
3 & 4 are confusing
5 limited the options

Q. Which ej12 character am I?
a) Eve
B) emma
C) hannah
D) Isi
E) CC12
F) KM12
G) elle


Good luck, if you think hard enough about it you will think of the correct answer

Monday 24 November 2014

Keyboard code (part 1)

Hello fellow agents,
While at school I was thinking of codes with my friend (SB14) and made up this cool code using the keyboard. I'm trying to think of a better name than keyboard code, because that's probally already a thing. But let me explain it. 

So first off you get the ipad/iPhone keyboard like below
And how you make a word is like this. You start on the first letter of the word and draw lines from letter to letter. For example I made CL, my initials 
There's no way to tell where to start but you can work that out by turning the word backwards or so on. When you do longer words, you need to make it very clear which key you are making the letter on. 

Now I made the word Emma below
But because there's 2 M's you make a dot on the key like so. That way the receiver knows to write down 2 M's, not one. 

What do you guys think? 

Because I use my iPad a lot I have sort of memorised it without looking at it (I type a lot) and realised you can write the words without being on a keyboard, by matching it up. 

That's probally a bit confusing but I hope it's cool 
Also on the EJ12 Fan book website (check post below for details) iv added part of MB14's Spied out. Feel free to review the stories in the comments.
Part 2 with numbers coming soon
</CL14 out>

Monday 17 November 2014

EJ12 Fan Book Site

Heya ej12 fans,
So there hasn't been any new ej12 news to post, so that's why no ones really been posting on any blogs. But I thought since not many people know, Iv made another blog that's ej12 for ej12 FAN stories!

The website link will be at the end. 

On the website you can send in your own stories! Then I will put them up in the fan books section for everyone to read! To send them in go to the page send in your stories and submit the chapter into the box. If you do the whole thing and it's huge then it might to send correctly. 

Once I get it I will publish it to the fan books page and say that it is from you
So far there's only the first chapter of my story secret at sea but more is to come. You can stay up to date with what stories are coming in the fan book news section. So far we have:
Rest of secret at sea coming
Spied out by MB14 coming

So send your stories in! 
And if you have a cover I will need to find a way to get it since I can't put my email up

Link below:

Hope that link works
See you

Monday 20 October 2014


A quick poem thing I wrote (not sure what type it is, think it's the free writing one)


Sometimes I forget Emma is just ten 
She's braver than many men
She can crack any code
It's like her special mode
She's a shiny star
That will go far

Emma's got friends that will last
Ones that come from future and past
They each care
And are loyal and fair

Hannah is caring and kind
One that is hard to find
She stands up for others
And is braver than some mothers
She's a spy 
That will go high

Elle is loyal and sweet
And friendly when you meet
Even when she's gone
It's not too long
Till she's missed
Because she's that great
And started when she was two plus eight

Isi is the funny one
Tells jokes under the sun
And is always full of fun
But she cares about her friends
Till the end

Eve is quite new 
But is just as loving too
A new agent to shine
And she's doing just fine
Her time is now
And she doesn't play foul

Then there's Nema the mean
Or that's how she may seem
But coins have two sides
So is there anything she hides

All these girls used to or are
Some if the bravest by far
They go on missions together
And some will be friends forever
But how many of them hide
There good or bad side

So here's to shine
An agency sublime 
Who trains the best
And beats the rest
They do good 
As shadow should
But to shadow money is best
But shine shows the rest
 So here's to shine, the best stars
In a dark Galaxy they light up by far
Shadow can't contain them, no one can
Because everyone at shine is one big fam


Sunday 19 October 2014

False note and Eve

I'm guessing you have seen the false note cover, if not check the post below this one.

First up, I love how eve looks. She looks like how some other agents and I imagined her! Iv zoomed in and what you can see is that she has light brown frizzy hair (I'll explain that) and brown eyes. Her favourite colour is yellow, as you can see.

I can see that her hair is frizzy/ curly because at the end of her plait its frizzed out not curled. So her hair would be frizzy. For example, CC12(Cassie) has curly hair because the end of her plait is curled (much like what my curly hair does) 

What are your thoughts on Eve?

Also my friends and I are making an Ej12 film! We might do either:
Ciao EJ
On the ball
Or another one I'll write

It's just hard because my friend who would be Isi (she has the exact same hair style and loves science) is changing schools so we won't be able to film next year and I'm not sure much time we will have this year. So that makes Spooked and Ciao EJ hard. Then maybe on the ball but none of us have treehouses and my friend SB only has her white fluffy puppy who isn't even 1 yet. 

So we might write our own which im thinking would be Emma, Eve and KM (katie) since that's us three pretty much. We wouldn't be able to show anyone since we aren't aloud youtube sadly.

Don't forget to check out www.ej12fanbooks.weelby.com
That's all 

False note cover

Eve looks like I imagined her!

Saturday 18 October 2014

Still waiting...

We are still waiting for the false note cover, but aren't you excited? We finally get to see what eve looks like! I'll post as soon as the cover is out. I was checking it all of yesterday since I'm sick and have just been either sleeping, reading or on my iPad.

But I just thought of something a few minutes ago. If Emma and her friends are shine agents at St. Cree's primary, doesn't that mean other girls in her school could be agents too? 

That's all for now, I can't think of what else to say

Thursday 16 October 2014

False Note - Setting

Hello Agents,

I was on the ej12 competition page and found out where False Note is set! So Sydney fans be happy because it's set at the Sydeny Opera House! 

A classical musical at the Sydeny opera house, that should be interesting! Iv been two Sydney a few times for fly threws, so I only go to the airport but earlier this year I went to sydney and posted a few times. Also in my living room, where I am now, Iv got a picture of the opera house on the wall ha. 

So far we know:
Eve will be on the cover (which is being revealed tomorrow)
There will be an orcastra
It's set at the Sydney opera house


Introducing EJ12FANBOOKS

Introducing... EJ12 fan books!
The new thing I was telling you about is now launched! 

It's a weebly website for you to send in your fan stories! So far it's only got my Secret at Sea chapter 1 but it will be updated as often as I can. Also if you want to add a cover you will need to find a way to get it to me, since I'm not putting my email up here (cyber safety) 

Link: http://ej12fanbooks.weebly.com


Wednesday 15 October 2014


Hello everyone!

I'm super excited because the team has just revealed that tey are releasing the FALSE NOTE cover this weekend!!! Why am I super excited? Because Eve will be on it! That's right, we finally get to find out what Eve looks like! 2-3 more days guys before it! Also the some of the winners of the agent name comp for False note will be announced! Fingers crossed!
an excited

Update on new thing coming plus other

Hello fans,

First up,
I know I said the competition for blurb writing ended on 10th of Oct but iv decided to extend the date to November 1st! Go back to that post for details.

The new surprise im making is going to be up soon and MB already knows, but she isn't going to tell anyone... I hope
I'm hoping to have it done if possible by Saturday, but maybe not, I'll make a post about it once it's done

Anyone written any new fan ej12 books? I would love to read anyone's! 

Quick post I know,

Saturday 11 October 2014


Hello Ej12 fans,
Iv got no real topic for this post so I'll see how I go

Today at the shops I was in the bookstore and there was this girl about 8-10 looking at books with her mum and she went to the ej12 ones and said to her mum "I really lover ej12." And she went on about what's it about and that she wants it for Christmas and I was just listening, thinking how I was sort of like that. But I couldn't say anything because she was younger than me.

Also to ES8 and anyone else who was wondering, you just send in your competition entries in the comments whcih im explaining now...

If you comment on my blog and what to put your name in use the drop down menu thing and select name/URL
Then just put in yoru agent name for name and leave the URL blank
At least I think that's what you do
Or you can just go anonymous and put your agent name at the end.

That's all for now

Monday 6 October 2014

Something New Im making

Hello fellow agents,
I'm at the moment creating something new... But it's not on my blog. Im not sure when it will be ready but I'm sure many of you will like it. 

Here's a hint:

Bit of a code ;)

Sunday 5 October 2014

Random things

Hi agents,
This post is just about some random things I think up of as I go.
Also HH14 found the new gadget (thing) added to my blog. It's the fish! Right down the bottom of the page there's five fish swimming around and if you click it releases fish food. The fish will go and eat these and then follow your mouse around in the rectangle. Note: it's only usable on the computer.

Thought I would add that since its summer time ;)

Also a bit of an update on Shining Stars 

HH14 is winning at the moment, coming first with 95 points 
Second is MB4 with 60 points 
Then it's EF14 on 20 and AK10 tying with EF with also 20 points. Remember that sometimes around Christmas the winner will be announced and given an online certificate. HH14 is in a big lead but there's still more competitions to come! Stay tuned on that ;)

Saturday 4 October 2014

Ej12 divisions

In ej12 as you know there are different agent divisions. Emma is in code cracking and so on. I think I'd be in code cracking myself, because I love making and cracking codes. 

What divisions do you think shine should have or might have that isn't in the books? I thought of one earlier, while walking on the beach (sort of a beach, not huge and no lifesavers but still, there was sand and an ocean). What about a division that knows how to and makes medicine and that sort of thing? A medicine divisions, help division? I don't know what it would be called, but it's an idea.

What do you think is missing?

Also to AK10, when I make covers I use an app called brushes on my iPad and do a lot of erasing and replacing... But now the apps being silly because of ios8
Short post, I know

EJTV ideas

Hello agents,
This post is about the coming EJTV show. 

As we know, it takes a long time to make heaps of episodes (26) and when I asked what year the team said it would be out in 2016-17 I'll be CL16/18 then... Wonder if I'll still be blogging.

Anyway, what do you guys want on the tv show.
We know that it will have the characters from EJ12 books at least, but what else?
Shine and shadow obviously, we will get to hear them speak. Hearing book characters speak might be a little weird. 

Lots of agents (myself included) are realy hoping for a film of each book. That would mean 22 about movies. They might not do that many. Movie series today don't often do many. I know ones that are 8 films but not many that are around 20 even... Except all those 50+ barbie films.

What are you looking forward to with the tv show? 

Also with a bit of the fan book writing update:
SB and I have agreed that in our fan story Nayan is Emma's cousin and Anna is Nayan's friend.
On my one the mystery is that shadow is on Bondi Beach and are spotted using metal detectors on the beach. This may seem normal, but shadow seems looking for something specific. KM and EJ are sent from beach to beach on shine surfboard chasing shadow agents, swimming away from them and so on. 
Pic from it:

Thats all for now!

Thursday 2 October 2014

Layout Change complete | Stuff

Hello readers,
I think Iv finished changing the layout and some things. Iv also added something new which you need to be on a computer to find, 5 points if you find it ;) it's not that hard and it's on all the pages.

Also the font for the tabs is called sunshiney or something so I had to chose it of course. Do you like all the new fonts? Also at Christmas time im going to be changing the blog a bit, I'm sure you can guess how. 

I'm also writing another ej12 fan book (im writing 3 at the moment)
1. EJ14, co-writing it with SB14
2. Agents of Shine, Midnight Mission. It's about NJ14 and AB14
3. Ej12 story, before Ciao EJ and with KM12 

My third one, which is a EJ12 story set before Ciao Ej, is (not giving away to much) going to be at a beach and I need help! What should I call it and any charm ideas?
So far I only have a surfboard charm, Snorkle charm and I need a message for the heart charm too...
Tell me if you have any ideas for the last charm?
Also what should It be called, here's the cover so far:
I know it's so much like making waves but it works for the story. Also the bottle EJ is holding is related...
Give me any ideas of you like

Layout changing

Hello everyone,
I'm in progress of changing some things on my blog. Everything still works it's just that the Everything tab (home) is in the centre now..
I'll be fixing it all later today

Also coming soon is:
Shine Camp : Activity ideas for sleepovers or parties
Fan Stories : Where I put up my own and other agents (with their permission) fan stories of ej12


Story competition!

Hello agents!
It's competition time again!

This one will have rounds and you can win heaps of points.

Round one: 
Create a blurb for your own made up ej12 fan story that you haven't written.
-some chosen entrants will be chosen for next round
          10 points for entering
          10 points if you get to next round

Round two:
Write a part of the fan story, could be on mission or her school problem
-some chosen entrants will be chosen for next round

20 points if you get to next round

Round three:
Write one chapter from anywhere in the book
-best one wins 50 shining star points


That's the rules! First round entries must be in by October 10th in the comments below, it's real quick anyway ;)
Have fun

Spied Out | MB14 Fan Book review

Spied Out! Review
Sorry, I couldn't find the cover but I might add it later if I can.

Spied out is a fan book written by MB14 and is a pretty good one too! It's written accurately like a real ej12 book and the mission is like what would happen in a reall ej12 book too! Ej12 goes to America in it. My favourite part was when they were trying to figure out what was going on, as they kept being taken away. Also at the end (I won't give it away) Nema does something that is actually similar to Ciao Ej, but this was written before it so well done MB! It's a great fan book and I hope you can all find it online somewhere.

P.s I'll make a longer post later

Sunday 28 September 2014

Animal Agents | From Books

Hello readers!
As the title says this post will be about the animal agents in ej12 books.
First up is my favourite... inky!
I love cats and kittens so obviously I love inky. Any cat lovers out there? I have a cat myself, Misty who is 4 years old.

In ej12 the animals range from cats and dogs to bunnys and cheetahs. Which is your favourite. I find the bunny's from Choc shock cute and obviously I like inky. On the cover for Hide and Peak (EJ soy school) there are 3 mice. Also I LOVE dolphins so naturally I enjoyed making waves.

The dogs in the books are pretty cool too. 
The ones from on the ball are really well trained, how cute is blacked? What's some animals not yet in the series you think would be good? I can think of:
- Bird
- Guinea Pig
- Owl (owl handlers keep owls...)

What are some animals you like that I haven't mentioned? 

Also from some other bloggers and I:
The copying is STILL going on, a lot. If you look on our blogs, most of us have a DO NOT COPY sign somewhere or a message saying not to. We have our own original ideas we don't enjoy others using them with out permission. Just ask us first, ok? Like if you wanted to copy a competition that we have just ask, because most of us actually go and check other blogs. I certainly do, so I do see what you do 


But I do really like you guys blogs! There's so much I could say about everyones blogs but that would take up a whole post or three! Go check out other blogs by looking at the bar on the side.


P.s remember to help my friend and I with our fan book we are writing, check out the post below for details!

Saturday 27 September 2014

New FAN story

So as some of you know, I like to write ej12 fan stories. Iv done 2 so far, Secet at Sea and Southbank Speed. And now I'm writing another one! But this time I'm doing it with a friend! My friend (SB14) and I are going to co-write it and see how it goes. 

All we know so far about it is:
- It will be when Emma is 13 so EJ14 
- There will be two characters added (Nayan and Anna) who are either friends or distant cousins
- it will be set in England and France (we know there is ej12 books there already but still)
- the animals will be a puppy and a kitten

But this is where YOU come in
We are holding two mini competitions where you:

design a charm that will help on a mission 
If we chose your charm you will have your agent name in the book and be in whatever division your chose
20 Shining Star BLOG Points 
5 for entering

Create a message for a heart charm
Best one wins your agent name in the book in whatever division you like
20 shine star BLOG points
5 for entering
      *We may not end up using the winners message

So what are you waiting for! No date set yet, but comment it soon!
Also Nayan and Anna are based of SB and me
Anna : blonde hair, brown eyes
Nayan : Brown curly hair, green eyes

See ya!

Friday 26 September 2014

Hide and peak

Hello EJ12 agents!
I was looking at the hide and peak cover and I noticed something new:
On Emma's arm she's holding a mouse! At least I think it's a mouse. There's also one on the Christmas tree and on the blue present. Three blind mice comes to mind but thast just a song... Can't believe I didn't see that earlier. 

| That's | All | For | Now

EJ TV and Message from bloggers

Hello agents,
This post is going to be about the ej12 tv show (coming 2016/17) and a message from bloggers

Let's start with the message from bloggers
There's been a lot of new blogs coming up in the last few months and some bloggers (new and old) have been disappointed to see some unoriginal copying. It's been going on for a while now and some of us feel like we are being ripped off. Not just me, other bloggers too who's names will remain unknown. But you guys know who you are. We aren't being mean, we are just asking that you don't copy our work and ideas which we know are hard to think up. But please, do continue blogging. I honestly check all the blogs I know of at least every two days and I LOVE them. That's all I have to say on that.

EJ12 tv!

I'm super excited for the show, are you? The team has said that it takes a while to make 26 episodes so that at least gives us a number, for season 1 anyway. I do hope there will be more than 1 season. Also how cool would a movie be? Imagine a movie for each book, that would be cool!  But it will be weird hearing our book characters speak, sing we all have imagined diferent voices for them. 

That's <> All <> For <> Now 
<> CL14 <>

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Competition winners and other

The competition winners were:

Your 10 shining star points have been added! Anyone who's new to my blog let me quickly explain the star points again.

First, shining star points is used in EJ12 which is copyrighted to Susannah so I didn't invent it. Iv just added to to my blog in my OWN way to have for fun. At around Christmas (not that far actually) the agent with the highest amount of shining star points will win an online certificate il put up and be added to a bar I will have called Shining Star Winners, or something like that. Also there will be winners every Christmas and Mid year about. At the moment HH14 is in the lead but there is still more competitions to win! Everyone else with points will be mentioned.

So here's the next competition which will end on the 5th of October so you have about a week or so to enter. 

Create a code of a name of any ej12 book. But make sure it's decodable. I will then choose the best and most interesting codes and those agents will win shining star points. Every who enters will gain at least 10.

One last thing, to anyone in victoria I saw this thing in the ej12 website:
That's all for now!